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About Me

my name is chris, everyone knows me as beaner or tonz tho. im 18, im just chilling right now, working at b-cov. hit me on on aim tonsofun2113..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
About Me Personality Quiz
What is your name?: Chris Bishop
How old are you?: 18
When is your Birthday?: 5-31-88
What is your zodiac sign?: gemini
Where were you born?: jtown
Where do you live now?: same place...
What color eyes do you have?: brown
What color hair do you have?: brown
How tall are you?: 5'8
How much do you weigh? (Be Honest Ladies): 173
What is your race?: sexican
What is your worst fear?:
Do you smoke?: no
Do you drink?: yea
Do you cuss?: yea
Do you use drugs?: mwhahahaha
Have you ever or will you ever steal?: yesum
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?: indeed
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: nope
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: no
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?: GOD
Do you suffer from depression disorder?: possibly
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: in the most brutal way possible
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: eh
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?: yep
What subculture do you belong too?: Fucking fantastic doom bagels
Are you evil?: i would like to think so
Do you believe that you can be possesed?: why not?
Are you a paranoid person?: nope
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: somtimes
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?: no
Are you a violent person?: :)
Do you take your anger out on other people?: .......:)
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: nah
What is your favorite game?: UT
What is your favorite movie?: donnie darko
Who is your favorite band?: suffokate
What is your favorite song?: The Red Chord - Dreaming In Dog Years
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: horror/fanstasy
What is your favorite color?: black
What is your favorite food?: chicken
What is your favorite drink?: mountain dew!!
Do you own a pari of converse?: ya
Do you own a pair of dickies?: no
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?: ya
Are you a virgin?: na
Are you kinky?: maybe
Do you like biting?: yes
Do you masturbate?: somtimes
Do you watch pornography?: ......sometimes
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: nope
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?: nah
Are you hyper active person?: Yeah
Are you religious?: not really
Do you have any self inflicted scars?: yes
Does pain turn you on?: sure
Do you stand for originality and creativity?: creavitity
Do you like meeting new people?: every chance i can
What do you like most about life?: having fun
What do you dislike most about life?: stupid people
Do you believe in love at first fright?: ya
Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?: yesum
Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?: no
Do you own a car?: no
Have you been to jail, yet?: heh not yet
Are your clothes held together with safety pins?: no
Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?: no
Have you ever vomit while making out?: and more no
Have you held a job for less than a day?: nah
Do you own more than two pair of jeans?: yea
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?: all the time
Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?: no
Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?: no
Does the world piss you off?: yea
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My Interests

art, Hanging with friends, doin stupid shit, video games, music, fire,partying,DOOM, stabbing random fruits, nakedness, killing things MWahahaha!

I'd like to meet:

more people like me, more crazy mothafuckaz!..

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tool,vampire mooose 40 below summer, Dr. Acula, wecamewithbrokenteeth, suffokate, job for a cowboy, dead to fall, ed gein, black my heart,waking the cadaver, a black rose burial, the bled, blessed by a broken hear, bloodlined calligraphy, blood for blood, casey jones, embrace the end,see you next tuesday, heaven shall burn, killwhitneydead korn, mudvayne, killswitch engage, bleeding through, as i lay dying, converge, heaven shall burn, ill nino, one dead three wounded, the apparati, above this fire, rap


the hills have eyes, the devils rejects, saw, half baked, jay and silent bod stike back, clerks 2, scarface, the decent, waiting


aqua teen, that 70s show, simpsons


comics, stephen king, anne rice, clive barker, james clemens


Krazy, Al Pacheeto, remix, sodus, coaltrian