If you need to contact us call 866-846-3140 or email us at [email protected]
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Right now currently represents many great models and talent in Hollywood, Los Angeles. All of the models and talent you will find on this site are local to California unless specifically noted otherwise. Our models work in all fields of the commercial modeling industry and are open to out of state bookings. The rates for each model vary depending on their demand and their experience. Rates for print typically range from $60 an hour to $250 an hour. If you are interested in booking a model for a job, we recommend viewing them on-line. Simply click the appropriate heading below under models (MEN / WOMEN) and you will be able to view each available model's portfolio. Once you have found a model that is right for you, contact our agency for booking availability and information.If you do not see a model that is right for you, contact our agency anyway. We may have more models that are not yet available online. Thanks again for checking out and we wish you the best of luck finding the right model or talent for you. If you have any unanswered questions feel free to call us at 866-846-3140 M-F 9-5