Music, philosophy, poetry, sociology, jogging, revolution, falling from great heights, swinging in hammocks . . . . . . .
Things I want to do but haven't done yet: jump out of an airplane, fly an airplane, go to Europe, go to Australia and surf the Gold Coast, go to Hawaii and surf pretty much anywhere, visit a volcano, free-climb a mountain (toes and fingers bitches), swim with a humpback whale, learn to play every instrument in an orchestra, compose a piece for a grand orchestra with an angelic choral accompaniment, conduct a grand orchestra wth an angelic choral accompaniment playing the piece I composed, write a novel, publish a book of poetry, get lost in the Painted Desert with a bag full of goodies and a tape recorder, wrestle an alligator, plan and execute a heist from right under the nose of the undeserving and distribute the fruits to those who really need them, raise a siberian tiger and/or puma, erradicate homelessness in a major city, bitch slap George Bush in the most degrading of manners, challenge someone to a duel, wreck a car for fun, teach the son I don't yet have to play guitar and surf, start a revolution, save someone's life (either physically or with words), go on an African safari and ride an elephant, spend at least a couple of months in an impoverished third-world village, learn sign language and talk to a chimp, see the world from space.......bleahbleahbleahtrailoffintosilence.....
Someone to whom honesty is neither a threat, an insult, nor just a word . . . someone genuinely interested in something other than themselves.
The beautiful kind...
Oh so many...The Lost Boys, Fight Club, Natural Born Killaz, Spinal Tap, Point Break, True Romance, Team America, Walk the Line, The Doors, Raising Arizona, Requiem for a Dream, American Beauty, The Crow, Eternal Sunshine, Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Space name just a few.
is trying to kill you...Family Guy, South Park, Planet Earth, Man vs. Wild, The Simpsons, Kids in the Hall, Rob & Big, Knight Rider bitch!
Currently...Catch 22 ~ Joseph Heller . . . yes, still . . . shows how much time I've given to books lately...shameful.
Faves include:
-Brave New World ~ Aldous Huxley
-Slaughterhouse-Five ~ Vonnegut
-Revolution for the Hell of It ~ (anything by Abbie Hoffman)
-The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are ~ Alan Watts
-Cry, the Beloved Country ~ Alan Paton
-Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life ~ Jon Lee Anderson
-The Way of Life according to Lao Tzu
-The Bible is certainly a page turner...
My grandfathers...two of the strongest and most respectable, yet kindest and gentlest souls you could ever encounter......both incredible fighters......both taken long before their time...........
My parents for being incredible role models...and for building a beautiful life together and a home filled with unconditional love...(and for putting up with me)..........
Kevin Maddox, a dear friend serving overseas........
Anyone who fought for what they truly believed in, no matter how unpopular their stance...those are my heroes--well...unless of course what they believe in is just whack and results in death and destruction....
Rosa Parks...
Jesus Christ (whether you believe he is the son of God, just a great man, or a myth, he represents hope and love to so many people...whether he is the savior or not, his power to mend broken souls by giving them faith is both undeniable and unparalleled)..............
All of the military personnel in the Middle East putting their lives on the line even though many of them really have no idea why anymore......
In a nutshell, anyone who puts themselves second to those less fortunate is a hero as far as I'm concerned......much thanks and respect to each and every one of them.