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Our dissention weighs nothing when balanced with our inaction.

About Me

I am filled with faith in a great destiny for myself and those alongside me--both physically and in spirit--with whom I will ride until my last breath, no matter how much time passes between visits. I believe love and music are more powerful forces than all the oceans combined, and two of the few weapons we have left to combat that which is unjust. I believe there is hope for this world. I believe both love and the truth hurt, but it is that irony which gives me a sense of comfort in the balance of things. I believe that the majority of all hatred is little more than a juvenile conceptualization on the part of those either too lazy or too stubborn to accurately interpret their negative emotions...on the other hand, there are times when pure and utter hatred is not only rational, but justified. Sometimes I just don't feel like picking up my phone. Sometimes people take that personally. I strive to be more punctual. I think I am the greatest musician typing on this keyboard right now. I wish to wage war on the hivemind mentality while embracing the elements of global connectivity that lend to the destruction of imaginary barriers. I despise genres to the extent that they are used to exclusive ends, be they musical, political, religious, or otherwise. I believe people should listen to what Jesus Christ and Bob Marley have to say. I am neither a Christian nor a Rasta. I am both a crest and a trough, and thus at equilibrium, and I refuse to submit to the idea that few are to eat at the table while many are to be left fighting for scraps. I am far more concerned with contentment than money. I'm rarely content. I believe the greatest teachers are those who never refuse to be taught. I like being proven wrong, because it means I've just learned something. I crave enlightenment in all of its forms. No one will ever be my master, and no one will ever stop me from accomplishing something I've truly put my mind to. My mind wanders. Right now, my mind is on planting the seeds that will one day become one hell of a tree so that I might say "hit me up for some shade."
Above all else in this life, I wish to help those in need. I believe there is absolutely nothing more worthwhile, and no matter where my journey leads me, that pursuit will always be my true life's goal.
Lick My Love Pump
"The Poverty of Philosophy" by Immortal it you!

My Interests

Music, philosophy, poetry, sociology, jogging, revolution, falling from great heights, swinging in hammocks . . . . . . .
Things I want to do but haven't done yet: jump out of an airplane, fly an airplane, go to Europe, go to Australia and surf the Gold Coast, go to Hawaii and surf pretty much anywhere, visit a volcano, free-climb a mountain (toes and fingers bitches), swim with a humpback whale, learn to play every instrument in an orchestra, compose a piece for a grand orchestra with an angelic choral accompaniment, conduct a grand orchestra wth an angelic choral accompaniment playing the piece I composed, write a novel, publish a book of poetry, get lost in the Painted Desert with a bag full of goodies and a tape recorder, wrestle an alligator, plan and execute a heist from right under the nose of the undeserving and distribute the fruits to those who really need them, raise a siberian tiger and/or puma, erradicate homelessness in a major city, bitch slap George Bush in the most degrading of manners, challenge someone to a duel, wreck a car for fun, teach the son I don't yet have to play guitar and surf, start a revolution, save someone's life (either physically or with words), go on an African safari and ride an elephant, spend at least a couple of months in an impoverished third-world village, learn sign language and talk to a chimp, see the world from space.......bleahbleahbleahtrailoffintosilence.....

I'd like to meet:

Someone to whom honesty is neither a threat, an insult, nor just a word . . . someone genuinely interested in something other than themselves.


The beautiful kind...


Oh so many...The Lost Boys, Fight Club, Natural Born Killaz, Spinal Tap, Point Break, True Romance, Team America, Walk the Line, The Doors, Raising Arizona, Requiem for a Dream, American Beauty, The Crow, Eternal Sunshine, Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Space name just a few.


is trying to kill you...Family Guy, South Park, Planet Earth, Man vs. Wild, The Simpsons, Kids in the Hall, Rob & Big, Knight Rider bitch!


Currently...Catch 22 ~ Joseph Heller . . . yes, still . . . shows how much time I've given to books lately...shameful.
Faves include:
-Brave New World ~ Aldous Huxley
-Slaughterhouse-Five ~ Vonnegut
-Revolution for the Hell of It ~ (anything by Abbie Hoffman)
-The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are ~ Alan Watts
-Cry, the Beloved Country ~ Alan Paton
-Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life ~ Jon Lee Anderson
-The Way of Life according to Lao Tzu
-The Bible is certainly a page turner...


My grandfathers...two of the strongest and most respectable, yet kindest and gentlest souls you could ever encounter......both incredible fighters......both taken long before their time...........
My parents for being incredible role models...and for building a beautiful life together and a home filled with unconditional love...(and for putting up with me)..........
Kevin Maddox, a dear friend serving overseas........
Anyone who fought for what they truly believed in, no matter how unpopular their stance...those are my heroes--well...unless of course what they believe in is just whack and results in death and destruction....
Rosa Parks...
Jesus Christ (whether you believe he is the son of God, just a great man, or a myth, he represents hope and love to so many people...whether he is the savior or not, his power to mend broken souls by giving them faith is both undeniable and unparalleled)..............
All of the military personnel in the Middle East putting their lives on the line even though many of them really have no idea why anymore......
In a nutshell, anyone who puts themselves second to those less fortunate is a hero as far as I'm concerned......much thanks and respect to each and every one of them.

My Blog

THE LIST (Updated 9.14.08)

Well, it's about 8am, my girl just left for school, and I was thirsty for something other than water, so I just drank the better part of a Cherry Coke, which means two things:1) I am officially a Coke...
Posted by geRg on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:18:00 PST

The Great American Lie...Part 98172634823487

Times are certainly changing ladies and gentlemen...or are they? After seven and a half eerily predictable years, the strong majority of us are finally starting to catch on to the fact that our presi...
Posted by geRg on Fri, 30 May 2008 03:01:00 PST

See how deep the rabbit hole goes!

This is one of the most intellectually stimulating pieces I’ve ever seen...hands down. I have long been of the belief that there exists a universal consciousness...that we, along with everythin...
Posted by geRg on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:31:00 PST

This is no allegory...

It is on the wind. We've watched the greats come with a dream and go with a statue of our million hearts. And yet we seem to be the only ones who notice...because the true devil would rather us not dr...
Posted by geRg on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 01:05:00 PST

"Upon a Precipice"

Tomorrow is the inevitable death of a largely forgotten past;Struggling to recall what has brought us to the fall,This brawling sense of things undoneHas drowned a treading fashionIn waves of salted p...
Posted by geRg on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

Everything you think you know is...

We've all seen the video on cable news or on the internet. The one about the student who was tazed by police after taking up too much time and asking the wrong kinds of questions during a forum at wh...
Posted by geRg on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 07:01:00 PST

Goodwill and religion...a short rant.

Satisfying another urge, we enter another day with a great and passionate plan to do what? To bring the whole world together on something...ANYTHING...but in the end, we know what about the world?? Wh...
Posted by geRg on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:39:00 PST