I wouldn't call them interests ... I'd call them subjects to occupy my mind with while I'm waiting to die. Computer games and movies generally work well. Studying the fundamental laws of physics just made me even more depressed. I used to like playing chess, but unfortunately that requires interaction with other members of the human race. Lately I have been eating up time by typing every random thought I have into some weird internet my-space site....
I don't particularly want to meet anyone. In fact, I spend most of my life inventing ingenius ways to AVOID meeting people. Good luck trying to contact me!
Considering that all music is just a series of small pressure waves in air, then what does it really matter?
I can't be bothered typing in a long and boring paragraph describing what my favorite movies are and why. I mean, really, who cares? My pathetic brain-washed mind gains certain enjoyment from viewing certain movies, while other brain-washed ape-creature minds gain enjoyment from other movies. We are all pathetic and pointless beings that place importance on the most unimportant things.
Reading requires too much effort.
Everyone who has had the guts to commit suicide.