I like to get high as fuck! I'm serious I want to get baked so bad. Me and all my buds go in the woods and get baked! I go to school and I run that bitch. I'm a freshman again, supposed to be a junior. For anybody that thinks jail is something tough, it's not. I just did some solid time and I ran that joint. I got busted for possesion of marguana. I neva told the cop who I was that's why he arrested me, if he knew who I was he wouldn't have had the nuts to arrest me. Anyway. Who ever thinks jail is something tough, stop bellyachin, I'm a felon now, Do Not Fuck With ME.Take My Poll Dawg!
on a scale of 1-10 how hot am i
10 is the hottest 1 is the ugliest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9.5 9.9 10