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About Me

Panda just trying to make Panda's way in this non-Panda world. Panda try to be gracious and loving but sometimes close-minded people make Panda so angry Panda temporarily lose faith in non-Panda-manity....make Panda so sad. Panda sometimes cover up sadness with anger. If you see Panda angry, Panda probably just very sad. During those times, Panda really only need a good hug and Panda be okay.Panda thinking of relocating to a more tropical climate soon but Panda must set up Panda support network first. Panda always open to new ideas and free Panda thinkers.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Panda love everyone. Panda like humor, laughter, funny, warmth, smiles, hugs, sometimes Panda even like wet willy's if administered with love.Someday Panda would like to meet someone special to settle down but Panda in no hurry. Panda simply enjoy pandaship right now.

My Blog


Panda not so interested in hot heat. Panda typically like more temperate climates. Panda now soliciting donations for fan girls and chilled grape-feeders. Panda settle for bon bons too. Panda need a f...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 16:09:00 GMT