Church, bible study, putt-putt, movie nights, skydiving, soccer, softball, flag football,most sports, concerts, meeting new people and sharing Christ with them, long drives just listening to music, good country food, cold bed, brushing my teeth, sunflowers, being the hands and feet of Christ, singing (although others probably don't want to be beside me when i do), nice glass of cold milk drank thru a straw(i know, im weird), praying, oh how the list could go on!(these are definently not in order of preference)
If the church can capture people's imagination, it can get their attention. If the church can gain people's attention, it has access to their minds. If a church has access to a persons mind, it can reach their heart. If a persons heart is reached and the message of the love of God through His son is conveyed, a life can be changed for eternity.~~ John Garner (Rec & Sports Min, P. 3) - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics
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Spaceballs, Matrix triology, LOTR triology, Harry Potter, Count of Monte Cristo, Chicken Little, Left Behind I
If I watch this little devil, it would have to be either CSI, FreshMeat, and the Discovery Health channel.
Bible, Coffee House gospel, Provocative Faith, No Wonder They Call Him the Savior, Voices of the Faithful, What's so Amazing about Grace(visual edition).
Everyone is a hero through someone's eyes, try looking from Gods point of view....