this is courtney she is my girlfriend i have conpletly fallen in love with her i hope we can bo together forever and ever she makes me so happy evrything she does makes me smile everytime a hear her name i freak out and jump im just so in love with her and i know we will be togther forever me and her have been through some hard shit like i was gone for a month and we have both done some stupid things but we are still together and always will be i love youthis is stormey shes like the coolest person in the world i fucking love her i like to be with her shes like my altime best friend shes so fucking funny and shes such a nice person shes helped me through some really hard times i love you like a sis k nigga.......and shes kick bum bum......and I FUCKING MISS YOU
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Because Emos Can Be Happy Too!
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