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"you ever heard the story.....of mr faded glory...

About Me

i am a major pearl jam freak....that band has saved my life more times than i can count....pearl jam is the greatest release for any emotion.... a music hound....i play bass...not very well but im learning ....i annually order 140 cases of saltine crackers and throw them ninja style at passers by....i like to take cigars and swill them in my cooking sherry, then walk around in my robe singing old tony bennet songs all the while hopping on one foot...i screamed real loud once and killed a brain once lashed out at a gila monster and it became me for a day....i sat on a thumbtack for 72 hours and didnt even use it for my bulletin board....and now for my finest achievement....i once drank 52 consecutive sips of purple kool-aid not once stopping to pee....

My Interests

caged monkeys that smoke cigarettes and wear diapers....radiation filled twinkies that are force fed to gigantic giraffes that stand on one leg....and last but not least... PEZ

I'd like to meet:

john wayne, crazy horse, babe ruth, a happy ending


pearl jam, mother love bone, temple of the dog, malfunkshun, mudhoney, the fastbacks, the who, greenlight promise, mooch, johnny mohawk and the assassins, the clash, sleater kinney, black sabbath, screaming trees, blind melon, zeke, young fresh fellows, dead moon, hammerbox, the screaming trees, the ramones, black flag, alice in chains, gas huffer, the rockfords(rick rockford rules), jodie watts, goodness, 7 year bitch, seaweed, the sonics, monkeywrench, tom waits, the beatles, john lennon, the grateful dead, galactic, garage a trois, the blind boys , a.l.o., the yeastie girls (bonus points to anyone who knows who that is), henry rollins, ray lamontagne, ben harper, jack johnson, g love, soundgarden, chris cornell, rage against the machine, audioslave, the boss, the supersuckers( shout outs to eddie spaghetti, thunder dan, rontrose, and whichever drummer is now in the set...previous drummers murderbuger and dancing eagle get love too)...sara lee guthrie and jonny irion, johnathan rice, brad, shawn smith, u2, anthrax, band of horses......the list is too numerous....good music gets no play these days, but im glad all of you are out there making the soundtrack to my life, without you there is no me


true grit, almost famous, american psycho, big jake, superman 2...ima movie conneseuir so i'll save you time and just list these few


the simpsons, greg the bunny, espn(1,2,news, and classic), all football games(especially the philly eagles), all hockey(especially the flyers), all baseball (specially the buccos sucko lmao), and basketball( just the sonics), college hoops (go blue), college football(go blue), an you guessed it college hockey (go blue)

Books: dragon....various guitar/bass magazines....sports magazines....comic books out the wazoo....


god, my parents, john wayne, eddie vedder, eddie spaghetti, joel taylor( for having the courage to get up and sing and for being my best friend)

My Blog

my enjoyment....part 2

as i sit here at 3 am these are more things ive been into lately( besides your mom my girlfriend....she is freakin amazing....i couldnt ask for anything more superbowl video.....what's that yo...
Posted by ron on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 12:31:00 PST

listening and watching....and what the hell?! reading?!

just thought i'd share what ive been reading, watching and listening to lately...well, after an amazing journey into my attic , i dug out some boxes and low and behold comics.....tons of them....preac...
Posted by ron on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:56:00 PST

holy yeeeeeez

what a weekend....i'd like to thank everyone for this weekends shows, mainly mooch (ok paperback fiction...but even pete couldnt remember that), greenlight promise, and johnny mohawk and the assassins...
Posted by ron on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:43:00 PST

kyle mcfeely

kyle mcfeely was killed in a car crash october 14th 2005....for those of us lucky to have been blessed to have known or spent time with kyle, we knew what a gift he was to us all....having known kyle ...
Posted by ron on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:50:00 PST

i love you

Inbox Saved Sent Trash Bulletin Friend Requests Pending Requests Event Invites Mail Center Read Mail Bright Idea: [Add cool people to your Favorites. View Favor...
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

greg mebane (moby)

where to begin....i loved greg so much....he was my of my best friends.....and a close confidant.....i met moby when i was a senior in high school....he was a george junior student....i...
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

pack your children in the basement and hide your women

pearl jam is opening fer the stones......mick and appears at this moment that pittsburgh is the only show the boys are playin with the stones.....its gonna be amazing
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

its jam-olution baby

woo... wowwowoo i'm ahead, i'm advanced... i'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah i'm at peace, with my lust i can kill 'cause in god i trust, yeah it's jam-olution baby i'm at peace, i'm the ...
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all those yesterdays

don't you think you oughtta rest don't you think you oughtta lay you head down don't you think you want to sleep don't you think you oughtta lay your head down, tonight don't you think you've done...
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

4/20/02 (for layne staley...written by e.v.)

so all you fools who sing just like him feel free to do so now cuz he's dead using, using, using the using takes toll isolation just so happy to be one sad to, sad to think sad to think of hi...
Posted by ron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST