[Feel Free To add me to your top8, thats much support and I Am Thankful]
First off, I just wanted to thank all the kind people out there who email me and show your love to my page everyday. Please forgive me if i haven't replied to your message, My schedule gets overwhelming from time to time, but I do get everyones messages, and I am extremely thankful to hear from everyone throughout the world.
Visit my page often... Theres always something new and interesting being done to it.
Dear MB... Why are you so into yourself? I am not into myself, I just take a picture of what I chose to... Despite whatever I may look like in my pictures, I enjoy having a good time and living life to the fullest.
[Who Am I?]
A hard working self-dependent person who earns everything achieved. Straight Off The Bat, I'm American Not Black I'm A Real HealthFood/Organic Eater. Entrepreneur. Smartphone User. I'm A Person Who Expresses Himself Better With Action. I'm A Person That Is Interested In Living... I'm A PRODUCER I'm A Guy Who Hates Guys That Abuse Females