i enjoy the color red. especially when it's used sparingly. on the weekends i go to the occasional bull fight. i also have a weakness for dog racing. on thursday nights you can catch me at the local billiard room improving my game or playing texas hold 'em in the front. i have fought four duels in my lifetime, and i've only lost one. sometimes at parties i'll play a melody on the piano. only if there is no music playing already, if there is, i am usually dancing. on warm days i go to the top of my cliff and throw things off. i never really enjoyed playing with dolls, however i have one that is quite dear to me, it's small and it stays under my pillow at night. 12 times i've been horse riding, i miss it. if you like to ride horses, and do so, take me, i enjoy it. i've studied martial arts, wicca, potery making, asain religions, native american traditions, and tarot cards. i don't know a lot about any of them, but i find them all interesting. who framed rogger rabbit is a great movie, and i've seen it a bunch of times, but for some reason, i still don't truly know the answer to the title. i don't like small talk. i'm very bad at it. but i can be charming in the right mascara.
i understand this is where i'm supposed to list my favorite movies and such, but i don't understand the point. if we have the same taste in movies, does that mean we are alike and maybe we should get to know eachother? maybe it does. but, i personally don't care what movies you like, but if you care about what movies i like, go ahead. ask me.