Spookee ke ke kee profile picture

Spookee ke ke kee

I have something to tell you, but I'll just stay here and smile instead.

About Me


My Interests

i enjoy the color red. especially when it's used sparingly. on the weekends i go to the occasional bull fight. i also have a weakness for dog racing. on thursday nights you can catch me at the local billiard room improving my game or playing texas hold 'em in the front. i have fought four duels in my lifetime, and i've only lost one. sometimes at parties i'll play a melody on the piano. only if there is no music playing already, if there is, i am usually dancing. on warm days i go to the top of my cliff and throw things off. i never really enjoyed playing with dolls, however i have one that is quite dear to me, it's small and it stays under my pillow at night. 12 times i've been horse riding, i miss it. if you like to ride horses, and do so, take me, i enjoy it. i've studied martial arts, wicca, potery making, asain religions, native american traditions, and tarot cards. i don't know a lot about any of them, but i find them all interesting. who framed rogger rabbit is a great movie, and i've seen it a bunch of times, but for some reason, i still don't truly know the answer to the title. i don't like small talk. i'm very bad at it. but i can be charming in the right mascara.


i understand this is where i'm supposed to list my favorite movies and such, but i don't understand the point. if we have the same taste in movies, does that mean we are alike and maybe we should get to know eachother? maybe it does. but, i personally don't care what movies you like, but if you care about what movies i like, go ahead. ask me.

My Blog


Just today I noticed above my dorm room door there is an EXIT sign. It hangs there, warning me to get out while I still can. This is not where I belong. I walk into the elevators and hold it open ...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:03:00 PST

Hell hath no fury

i'll respect your needto bea cowboy if you respect my need to bea damselin distressyou see the boysand you see meand you see their eyesseeing through the seams in my dress your eyes once wondered abou...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:20:00 PST

The Skeleton Slut

She fingers each button on her shirtLuring them out of the holes previously keeping them inertCute they were, but not as cute as herThe buttons, now at liberty, lead the rest of the shirt to the floor...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:02:00 PST

Babysitter Needed

No one will console you for your inner battles. If it isn't concrete, if it isn't something we can see, or touch upon, we cannot understand it. No one sends "get well" cards to a soul taken ill. No on...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:38:00 PST

Thank you, Body.

Ladies, how well do you treat your breasts? Do you tell them you love them, everyday? Do you take each one aside and explain, that you value her companionship, the comfort she gives you? Do you tell y...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:09:00 PST


Open the door by self inflicted toil For eight upon a decade A promise made Only to be found spoiled. The door, like all wooden structures Be hallow and vacant Reeks of a barren womans scent And lo...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:58:00 PST

i want to know who reads these things.

camel waters and hot shots found a sweet cowboy to make my teeth rot the guns are fired and the skirts are high-ered down town they all call me lady liar but i'm so honest and i'm so true i just don't...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:44:00 PST

it's not easy being a bunny

i heard the familiar sound of cat nails sliding and scratching on the kitchen tile downstairs. there was a lot of that noise, i went to see what all the rucus was about. a baby bunny had gotten into m...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 05:08:00 PST

goodnight daddy, love you.

father, oh father you painted my room and painted it again white. so i can put any color carpet and curtain. you put a lock on my door when i became too old for you to walk in "i've seen you naked sin...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:53:00 PST

i knew you'd understand

it happened on Useday night. i wished for a trespasser to come. i need to talk to you. oh baby oh baby yeah oh baby oh baby yeah (i really care about you a lot, but hush darling, we're so afraid ...
Posted by Spookee ke ke kee on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:04:00 PST