Myspace Layouts at / Skin industries
Myspace Layouts at / Skin industries
racing quads,girls, snowboarding, football, swimming, basesall, n cars
I like everything
comedys, horror, gore, action
MTV1,2,, uh spike tv,oln,speed channel, i like cartoons also(yeah i know childish)
like i read books
What type of RACE quad are you?
Your crazy, and LOVE speed and adrenaline.
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"Digger" Doug gust 10 REASONS TO DATE A MOTOCROSS RIDER. 1- They have strong fingers 2- They always know when to slow down and speed up 3- They have tremendous stamina and endurance 4- They always wear proper protection 5- They have the fastest 'lap' times 6- They know how to work their tools 7- They Love getting dirty 8- The harder and faster they go the better. 9- They know how to work around tight areas with ease 10- They're always practicing so they can become better