Ian profile picture


[insert cheesy line here]

About Me

Some people called me sane once, I keep them in a jar over my bed... kidding... mostlyI'm working for an ISP after finishing 3/4 of a chemistry degree after the voices decided I should change career path.These days I spend most of my time being a geek in some form or other and I'm abit of a martial arts enthusiast

My Interests

Favorite Things: Mirrors, Shiny things that reflect, sharp pointy stabby objects, flammables, FIRE, FIRE!!!!!11one, i like the voices too - they tell me who to burn, Martial Arts, Gaming (RPGs), sacrificing small furry mammals to various deities and household appliances, movies, avoiding the men with the white coats, stabbing things, burning unstabbable things, melting unburnable things, reading ooh and kittens

I'd like to meet:

People with similar interests to chat with


Varied, Mostly Alt. Rock


Martial Arts Movies,Cheesy Comedies or Horrors (which amount to the same thing)


family guy, drawn together...


favorite author has to be David Eddings, well his earlier work anyway.


again - mirrors, shiny things which reflectIf I don't say Captain Orcon Scott might fire me.

My Blog

Oooh i finded a journal!!

oooh its so shiny :D shiny is bad things only shine when they are infused with evil!!! this morning i woke up bright and early to the evil sun pouring evil radiation all over my perfect self - th...
Posted by Ian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST