OUT OF ORBIT profile picture


Devoted to a devotionless life

About Me

Doubtlessly I am nothing more than a wayfarer, a vagabond on this earth. But are you anything else?

Sí, ciertamente, yo no soy más que un peregrino, un vagabundo en esta Tierra. ¿Sois vosotros otra cosa?


My Interests

Philosophy, traveling, reading, playing piano, photography, Nature, Literature, Science & Religion, Tea & Poetry. Art/Painting*** Y yo, mínimo ser,
ebrio del gran vacío
a semejanza, a imagen
del misterio,
me sentí parte pura
del abismo,
rodé con las estrellas,
mi corazón se desató con el viento.
-- Pablo Neruda **

But to have been
even if only once,
to have been on earth
just once--
that's irrevocable.
-- rainer maria rilke **

I'd like to meet:

Beautiful strangers, intoxicating philosophies, overwhelming experiences, unfamiliar mysteries, insoluble paradoxes, portentous sufferings and the ecstasy of solitude


Blonde RedHead, The Notwist, The Decemberists, Ratatat, Radio Dept., Bjork, Sigur Ros, Unkle, Mogwai, Air, Doves, Coldplay, Muse, NIRVANA, Yann Tiersen, Danni Elfman, Tori Amos, Tosca Tango Orchestra, Classical: Chopin, Beethoven, Sibelius, Debussy, Shostakovich, Handel, Haydn, Bach; instrumental, Electronica-Techno, nostalgic-melodic existential-anguish kinda music


Into the Wild, Leaving Las Vegas, Waking Life, Matrix, American Beauty, Amelie, Amores Perros, V for Vendetta, Garden State, Donnie Darko, Powder, Shawshank Redepmtion


Seinfeld, Conan O'brien


Within the fields of:
Epistemology, metaphysics, of mind, of language, of science, existentialism. Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Epicurus, St. Augustine, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Voltaire, Rousseau, Holbach, La Mettrie, Kant, Novalis, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard,
Nietzsche, Bergson, William James, Bertrand Russell, Whitehead, Sartre, Foucault, Cioran, Alan Watts

Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Biology, Genetics, Evolution.
William James, Freud, Jung, Fromm

World History
Zen, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity.
Anthropology & Culture

Literature & Poetry
Vladimir Nabokov, Poe, Dostoevsky, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare, Camus, Virgil, Balzac, Goethe, Milan Kundera, Joseph Conrad, Tolstoy, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Henry Miller, Tom Robbins, Aldous Huxley, Herman Hesse, Rilke, Baudelaire, Lope de Vega, Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges.
Currently reading:
Man on his Nature
Charles Sherrington



Friedrich Nietzsche


My Blog


  Unable to escape this vast dawn hanging upon me like an atmosphere of chemicals a mechanical tingling from ages' pastI've collected the motionless quantum of floating seeds constantly mirrorin...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 08:20:00 PST

From the heights above

  From the heights above region of utter (but momentary) silence one spasm of current, one flick of expectation: Thundering fingers of light you yearn to reach high succumb to every celestial im...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:16:00 PST

En el gran final

  Horas y montañas radicaban adentro lejos de la rutinaria información era un sueño clavado en cristal de noche semejante al dolor de una vela apagada era una oscuridad que brillaba con ideas f...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 10:40:00 PST

Voces vespertinas

  Tienen que ser escuchadas las voces nocturnas y solitarias órdenes de la más profunda caverna cada momento que un ogro ojo despierta tiembla, se endurece y grita como a la luz primera del naci...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:44:00 PST

La candela

  Era precisamente esa actitud que me revolvía las entrañas más que la hipocresía de los políticos y las fechorías de la Iglesia. Percibía a lo largo de la avenida peatonal un gran desfile del m...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:58:00 PST


  Esto es una promesa porque cada palabra nueva está muerta ya no existen motivos para defender la vida como real es mejor dejarla caer en débil sueño dejarla ahogada inerte pez, hundida bellez...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:43:00 PST

Trapped in nothingness

  It seems to be I am locked inside this excessive silence. That while I look up into the hazy azure of the sky or into the windy skies of night I discover an impenetrable void, a si...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:32:00 PST

Pasivo encuentro

El resto está viviendo sus vidas                   yo, reservado          &...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Sun, 11 May 2008 04:05:00 PST

A man in San José

Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:25:00 PST

Corners spiral

  Come trace each spiral end the emptiness of every word fullness of rippling chords wondering, strange wondering               &n...
Posted by OUT OF ORBIT on Fri, 02 May 2008 12:05:00 PST