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The Official Fill-in-the-Blank Biography
Chapt. 1: The Basics
Initials: LRL
Middle Name: Renard
Nickname: Lil'Lee
Sex: dude
Date of Birth: 9-20-89
Star Sign: virgo
Place of Birth: Baton Rouge
Current Location: same
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 190
Hair Length: short
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: brown
Skin Tone (Light, Medium, Dark): light
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: not yet
Scars and Birthmarks: sh*t yea my moles LOL
Chapt. 2: The Background
Mother's Name: Jacqueline
Mother's Occupation: daycare
Mother's Hometown: Scotland
Father's Name: Leon
Father's Occupation: roofing contractor
Father's Hometown: Scotland
Do you live with your parents?: yea
Do you get along with your parents?: me and my daddy have arguements but we cool
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: married
Do you have any siblings? If yes, do you get along?: yea I get along wit my 3 sisters
What pets do you have?: my lil sis just playin... a puppy named beau
Did you grow up in a different place than where you live now?: a different house but not a different city
Where did you spend your summers as a child?: at baseball parks
What was the name of your elementary school?: Brownsfield Elm.
Who were your best friends in elementary school?: Jerry, Niko, Brent, and some mo niggas I cant think of right now
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?: Mrs. Tucker
What was your best memory from elementary school?: Washington D.C. trip
What was your worst memory from elementary school?: I aint got none
What was the name of your junior high school?: Baker Middle
Who were your best friends in junior high school?: Jerry, Niko, Edward, and some mo niggas I cant think of right now
Who was your favorite teacher in junior high school?: sh*t, none of them
What was your best memory from junior high school?: When all the power went out in that bitch
What was your worst memory from junior high school?: going to class
What was the name of your high school?: Raggidy Ass Baker High
Who were your best friends in high school?: Jerry, Niko, Edward, Black Ass Bryan, P Murray, T9E, Cook, Irv, Skeet, Pepper Studderin Ass and a bunch mo niggas
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?: Mr. Zito
What was your best memory from high school?: 1st lunch shift in 11th grade
What was your worst memory from high school?: 2 a days during offseason football
Out of elementary, junior high or high school which did you like best?: probably high school cause sh*t be funny around school
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings?: yea
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?: nope
What is your family's cultural heritage?: black niggas
Chapt. 3: The Favourites
City: Miami
Vacation Spot: Pensicola, FL or howeva you spell it
Sport: baseball duh
Food: gumbo
Dessert: apple pie and vanilla ice cream
Drink (Non-Alcoholic): kool aid (the red kind)
Drink (Alcoholic): Crown Royal
Place to Eat: almost anywhere when Im hungry
Ice Cream Flavour: butter pecan
Season: summer
Holiday: Christmas
Clothing Brand: girbaud
Make-Up Brand: ask a female
Shampoo and Conditioner: suave, a nigga gotta keep his hair clean
Supermodel: Melyssa Ford
Actor: probably Chris Tucker even though he aint got no recent sh*t
Actress: Halle Berry
Athlete: Mike Vick and Jordan
Athletic Team: ATL Falcons even though they kinda garbage
Decade: 90s
Old Nickolodeon Show: Doug, that sh*t used to go hard
Number: 2
Colour: red
Word: all curse words
Phrase: sh*t yea
Magazine: The Source
Cheesy Pick-Up Line: Baby is yo feet hurting? Cause you been running through my mind all day
Language: ebonics
Country: Mexico
Flower: Roses to give to my Mama
Girl's Name:
Boy's Name:
Chapt. 4: This or That?
Lefty/Righty: righty
Rock/Country: rap
Diamonds/Pearls: platnium
Blondes/Brunettes: brown or black
New York/Montana: Louisiana
USA/Canada: USA
Gold/Silver: silver
Hummer Limo/Stretch: a Benz Truck to drive on my own
Gatorade/Powerade: kool aid
Diet Coke/Regular: regular
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets: both
McDonalds/Burger King: Sonic
Subway/Taco Bell: Quiznos
Gravol/Peptil Bismol: Pepto
Plane/Train: car
Skiing/Snowboarding: basketball
Cliff Diving/Shark Diving: swimming
East Coast/West Coast: dirty south
Marissa Cooper/Summer Roberts: who dem is?
George Bush/John Kerry: Bill Clinton
Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera: Aaliyah
Charlotte York/Samantha Jones: who dem is too?
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: neither one of them
The O.C./Laguna Beach: comic view
The Flinstones/The Jetsons: Family Guy
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Fresh Prince
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: Everybody Hates Chris
The Brady Bunch/The Partridge Family: The Wayans Brothers
Peanut Butter/Jelly: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Creamy/Crunchy: crunchy
Red Rover/Capture the Flag: hide n go seek
Mother May I/Simon Says: tag
Lake/Pool: pool
Snow Day/Spring Day: a windy summer day
Chihuahua/Bernese Mountain Dog: a pit
London/Paris: Hawaii
Shower/Bath: both mostly shower though
Luv/Money: luv is first but a nigga cant be broke so I gotta have money too
Nike/Adidas: nike
Peanuts/Crackerjacks: popcorn
Fruity Pebbles/Cocoa Puffs: froot loops
Target/Wal-mart: winn dixie
AIM/MSN Messenger: text message
Manolo Blahnik/Birkenstock: Stacey Adam, wat is that other sh*t
Coco Chanel/Louis Vuitton: M+FG
Janice Inson/Twiggy Lawson: Who dem niggas is?
City Mouse/Country Mouse: we aint got mouses we got roaches
Winter Olympics/Summer Olympics: summer
Pink Wristband/Yellow Wristband: blue wristband
NCAA/Professionals: Imma tryna play in both
Apples/Bananas: oranges
Summer Wheatly/Pedro Sanchez: Tracey McGrady
Liberal/Conservative: Liberal a nigga wanna be free
Chapt. 5: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: yea
Write memos on your hand?: nope
Call people back?: most of the time
Have your driver's liscense?: sh*t yea
Believe in a thing called luv?: yea
Knock on wood?: yea
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: I be all over the bed
Speak another language?: yea ebonics
Have citizenship to more than one country?: no
Think you're attractive?: yea
Wear glasses or contact lenses?: nope
Have any weird pet peeves?: not really
Have any weird hobbies?: no
Like your life so far?: Im lovin it
Chapt. 6: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: In the shower
Worn braces?: no but I need them
Smoked a cigarette?: nope
Smoked a cigar?: no
Smoked anything else?: why you in my business
Broken a bone?: no
Had stitches?: sh*t yea
Kissed a member of the same origin?: my grand daddy
Shoplifted?: yup
Punched someone in the face?: yup
Skipped school?: yea but it was a half a day anyway
Flown first class?: sh*t no
Traveled to another continent?: nope
Used racial slurs?: yea but only towards someone I dont like including niggas
Taken pain killers?: I had to
Taken sleeping pills?: no
Rode in a limousine?: yea
Gone SCUBA diving?: no but I bought that lil cheap ass thing you get from wal mart wit the goggles and the lil tube thing
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no
Been stung by a bee?: yea
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Made a snow angel?: never had that much snow down here
Been to overnight camp?: a baseball camp
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: no
Sworn in front of your parents?: if by sworn you mean cursing then yea especially my daddy
Had detention?: yea
Been sent to the principal's office?: yea
Screamed: yea but not like a lil hoe though
Made a prank phone call?:
Been to the opposite end of the country?: not quite but almost
Been called a bitch?: yea and they get called bitch right back
Been called a hoe?: yea and they get called hoe right back
Been called a prude?: I guess that mean p*ssy in black terms, yea and they get called p*ssy right back
Met someone famous?: no but I seen famous people
Slept with no drawers on?: yea, gotta let them breath sometime
Gone streaking?: hell no
Play ding-dong-ditch?: yea I played nigga knock
Climbed a tree?: yea
Been kissed under a mistel toe?: a plastic one by my mama
Had a threesome?: no
Chapt. 7: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: meat lovers
Bagel: I dont f*ck wit bagels, I eat donuts
S'more: graham crackers, marshmello, and chocolate I guess
Sandwich: ham and cheese
Sundae: carmel sundae
Date: 9-20-89 a nigga B-Day
Outfit: polo shirt and jeans
Chapt. 9: Random
If you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?: nothin
Would you rather win an Oscar or Nobel Prize?: I'll rather win the Lotto
What time do you get up in the morning?: bout 7 or 7:30 somewhere round there
What time do you go to sleep?: whateva time it is when my eyes close
If you could bring 5 items with you to a desert island, what would they be?: Money, life time supply of food, a tent, something to contact the army, and a couch
Do you prefer hair or brown hair on the opposite origin?: brown
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done yet?: go to the pros
If you were on death row, what would you request for your final meal?: some chips and a glass of kool aid
If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?: Honolulu
Name 5 people in history who you'd like to invite to a dinner party?: My two grandfathers, MLK, JFK, and Jackie Robinson
Poof! It's a genie! What are your 3 wishes?: I wish I had unlimited wishes, I wish Walter Moore Sr. was here, and I wish Herman Landry Jr. was here
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be?: I would be who I am right now...Leon Landry Jr.
If you were a Super Hero, what would your power be?: invisibility and super strength
If the world floods and you can only save 1 animal species, you'll save...: I'll be tryna save myself
What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?:
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I don't discriminate, whateva sounds good to me.
Any type of movie as long as it ain't borin'.
Whateva is worth watchin'.
Whateva is worth reading.
Walter Moore Sr.(Grand Daddy), Herman Landry Jr.(Papa), Herman Landry Sr.(Papi)