Joey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Wussup p3opl3 this Jo3y @k@ LiL Hommi3 @k@ LiL Jo3y @k@ Sm@ll Soldi3r....I'm 17 y3@rs old @nd I'm down for wh@t3v3r! My thing is to liv3 lif3 to th3 full3st lik3 tod@y is your l@st d@y! I'll try @lmost @nything onc3...just nothing g@y!!! I'm curr3ntly in @ long r3@ltionship with [email protected] on3 @nd only... I'm @ s3nior at Osc3ol@ High School @lthough I finish3d @ll my [email protected] work in the 3ngin33ring d3p@rtm3nt @t th3 R@disson Worldg@t3 R3sort @nd I'm curr3ntly in th3 Unit3d St@t3s M@rin3 Corps D3l@yed 3ntry Progr@m wh3r3 I'll b3 l3@ving n3xt y3@r for four y3@rs... I b3li3v3 in God @nd I b3li3v3 th@t 3v3ry thing h@pp3ns for @ [email protected]'m not @ f@ke @nd I'll t3ll you wh@t is on my mind with no [email protected] my p@g3, th@nks for stopping by, @nd if you w@nn@ know @nything 3ls3 @bout m3 th3n just m3ss@g3 m3! P3@c3!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Gr@ndmoth3r @g@in who is up in H3@v3n w@tching ov3r m3.....R.I.P.

My Blog

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