LadyCat profile picture


I'm too Blessed to be Stressed, So Please No Drama!!

About Me

Confident..................I am a 32 year old woman, who loves life. I pride myself in being an honest person. I was told a woman should be seen and not heard, but guess what I speak my mind and I also love to be seen, not in the way you think. I am married with 1 daughter. She is the funny(ha,ha funny) one in the house.I am a shoe fanatic. Shoes paint a picture and tells of journey. However, I shouldn't see what you stepped in along that journey. I am not big on hiking and all of the stuff people put in their profiles, I'm just me. I go with the flow of things.
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My Interests

I love to sing, I am no Beyonce or nothing but a sista can blow. And get your mind out the gutter..........
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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who have their heads on straight. People going places. I don't like fake people. Be you! Allow people to come up to your level don't go down to their's. If you have to lie about who you are, chances are you not happy with yourself. And chances are I won't be happy with you as a friend either. I like a person with a sense of humor. So if you can make me laugh in the first conversation, chances are we can continue with a second conversation. No squares please, I am too complex for that, so I need to meet people who can keep up.
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I like all genres of music just as long as it has a message and makes me feel good. If it depresses me too bad I could care less for it.
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I am an Action movie freak. Give me a good fight movie or race movie and I'm good.


Lifetime and more lifetime. Doesn't every woman?


Matters of the Heart by Juanita Bynum


Jesus, and My grandmother...that's it
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My Blog


I'm beginning to wonder if any man can ever be faithful. It's seems that no matter how you dangle the stuff in front of them, or how much you put it on them. They will always have that wondering eye. ...
Posted by I can only be me-"LadyC" on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:27:00 PST

A true friend

If you are ever fortunate enough to find a true friend, then you should consider yourself  blessed. A true friend is one that you don't have to put on a mask with because they already know the re...
Posted by I can only be me-"LadyC" on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 08:04:00 PST


Today is Independence Day. As I ponder over what that really means, I am faced with a serious question. Independence from what? Yes we live in a nation where we are free to do many things, yet we are ...
Posted by I can only be me-"LadyC" on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 08:43:00 PST


Many people go through life never really experiencing true love. In my opinion when you begin to love yourself its at that moment you find what true love is. It works from within and allows you to let...
Posted by I can only be me-"LadyC" on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 06:32:00 PST