About Me
October 3rd:
I now swim M,W,F right after school and Sundays after church, and some Saturdays. I've lost 10 pounds since i joined the YMCA 2 months ago.
Also, I just installed the Twitter app. so, i can update everything at one time. Enjoy!
August 23rd:
I can't tell i'm losing weight yet. But, i'm sad that the pool is closed to get it fixed for a week or 2...now i gotta drive to Finley during this time. Besides, Men don't lose weight, we gain muscles...we lose INCHES.
Classes start within 48 hours! I'm so stoked! I crammed 35 desks into my room somehow! yes, 35! The number per class is insane. But, it will work, and this will be the best year ever! I'm so stoked that this is my first year teaching 7th grade Algebra. Maybe next year I'll get to teach 7th grade Geometry, and the one day 7th grade Algebra II or Trigonometry or Calculus! Hey, it could happen! Our kids must be getting smarter every year, because the government says that by 2014 ALL students, 100% of them, will be passing the state tests.
NOTE: If you are one of my students that found me somehow, don't try to add me as your "friend". It's not that i'm mean, it's just against my policy. Make friends with your classmates and people your age. Be young, have fun, drink Coca~Cola.
August 1st:
Joined the YMCA to work-out. My hobby should be my health. My most valuable possessions are my Spirit, Mind, and Body.
July 31st:
donating toys
July 24:
BUY TOYS/Collectibles FROM ME!
I've lost interest in toys...i think i figured out that Video Games are so much better! List with pictures here:
i've been cleaning out the junk room where i have MANY 18 gallon storage totes FULL of toys and COLLECTIBLES. Help me get rid of them!
I've been getting games. Did you know that the Japanese games will work on hand held systems? I have 20 Gameboy games coming from Japan via eBay!
June 13:
School is over. It was a great year with great students and great co-workers. I look forward to August 25!
My plans for the summer? Get a root-canal (and whatever other torture that needs to be done by the dentist), pay my home taxes, learn Japanese, Prepare to teach Algebra, and loose weight at the beach. I'd like to start that now with swimming. So, if you have a pool or go to a pool, INVITE ME! It is my fave mode of exercise.
April 05:
I just wanted to say: Miracles still Happen! I'm so amazed that this week I've had conversations with 2 people i haven't seen in 20 years, and both are atheists. Why do they always try to say "There is no God, because of all the bad things that happen"? I know that bad things happen, but there are also GOOD THINGS THAT HAPPEN!!! Unfortunately the GOOD THINGS of GOD are not reported on the news channel. Who can blame someone for not having faith? BUT, if something as important as your eternal soul, and where you go when you die, and what hope does life have...if something is THAT important, it is YOUR responsibility to search for the truth. I don't have all the cliche answers for you, but if you really want answers, ASK GOD! He knows everything. I don't even know 0.01% of what there is to know.
March 3rd, 2009.ANOTHER DAY out for snow? my roads are fine. They made me go when the roads were TERRIBLE a month ago, but we are the ONLY School out today. ugh. i needed monday to recover since my sabbath was taken by the Wrestling Tournament(Congratz team! Especially Josh, who got a medal!)...but 2 days? this is boring! i love to teach, it's my raison d'etre. i can't wait to get back to class!
Feb. 27th:
Wrestling Tournament tomorrow.
Workday today. Chapter 2 is done, now it's the fun stuff...Statistics!!!
Feb. 20th...i lost a battle for the last two weeks to a virus, and now my desktop is fried. thankfully i have a lap top, i just don't like the keyboard on it, but like that i can relax and check email, but since my idea of relaxing is laying down on my stomach, i think the constant looking up is cutting off oxygen to my brain.
Also, i have not bought ANY action figures/mecha/fun stuff this month! i have 1 week to go! can i make it? i decided that i shall not allow "fun" rule me, i SHALL rise above human temptations...no offense human friends. Also, the Wrestling Season ends with this month! Tournament is the 28th! Well, that is all the news i can think of. May the love and peace of Jesus Christ be with you all!
Jan. 23rd...this has been the LONGEST shortest week EVER! i was so planning on getting to work 2 workdays on my room, on grades, and lessons...SNOW! GRRR!!! Snow kept me home! grr! And the snow is STILL covering my neighborhood roads! But, i am getting to go back and watch REALLY old Doctor Who episodes and read my Bible and clean my house. yeah.
Dec 17th: Teaching math. Great kids this year. Smart kids, too!
Aug 17th: Jesus give me strength! I gotta go attend a funeral of the first student to write me a letter expressing why i'm their favourite teacher. I'm going to cry. I've already cried. I'm going to be strong.
This student was Funny, positive, and always tried to do his best.
Aug 13th: OMG! Dominion by the Word is just a few days away!
I haven't even said anything about it. I've been away from LWFC for too long! This last Sunday was my first Sunday back all summer!
If you can't make it to all the meetings, let me tell you to DEFINITELY come hear Steve Kelly! He's an Aussie, with that accent, and hillarious, and thoughtful.
August 16th thru the 20th. Just check that site for more info!
Oh, i guess i haven't been blogging much, because i'm just getting over my fear of being in this room where my computer is. I've had TWO snakes in this room, UNINVITED, since i got back from the beach. I guess they decided no one else was using this place, so they'd move in. Well, i also killed 4 mice since i've been back, which is obviously why the snakes have come in. I think it's all settled down for now. Anyone got a cat i to give me? or know where i can get one? I've NEVER had a snake in my house before...NEVER!!! and to have 2 within days of each other!!! one was a little 4-5 footer, the other was 8-10 feet. You can see pix of the first one in my album. i over reacted to him, grabbed my sword, and ended him...leaving blood on my carpet. 4 days later, his brother came looking for him, and i tried to herd him out, but he wouldn't cooperate, so i blunted him unconscience and took him outside, where i let him escape. He was unconscience while my neighbor was looking him over, then came to. This startled her, and he slithered off. Whew! I don't have any desire to hurt snakes, but i can't have them in my house. I like to walk around without fearing i'll accidently step on them, and get bitten.
July 24th: ouch, i am a little sun-burnt from going out around 1pm the other day. And i was out for half my normal time! Wow, what a difference it makes for the time of day. at 6AM-8AM, there is no burning at all (it also has to do with the angle of the sun-rays and how much atmosphere the rays have to penetrate as opposed to the minimal atmosphere protection when the sun is at our perehelion)...i may not have spelt those words right, but i know what i'm talking about. It really annoys me that some people think a person is stupid if they don't spell well. i used to spell VERY well, until i learnt too many languages, and especially with Japanese...SPELLING??? haha! it's all Fonix! Like my last name in English is 6 letters, and in Japanese it's only 2 letters. "Ni"-"Li"- "Nee Lee"...and about 1.5 decades ago, i started my campaign to get rid of the letters "C" and "Q"...WHY DO THEY EXIST??? They are just a waste of type keys. They are Kopy-Kats: The "C" is either a "S" sound or a "K" sound...only dif is with CH, and in Greek, the CH was it's on letter. And Q...ummm, we have "K", so "Q" is USELESS!!! Show me ONE time that Q has a UNIKUE sound...i mean UNIQUE sound? i DARE u!
Like my name, you see it...well, in English i use SKOT, not SCOTT...i mean, really, 2 "t"s???? So it can be HOTT, or NOTT, but i like it A LOTT...it's a waste of ink. And the C is a K sound, so i nipped that in the bud, actually 2 decades ago.
Alright, i'm gonna get back to my refreshment and answer some emails before the battery depletes. Have a great day.
July 9th:
Today i was walking on the beach for 2 hours, completing Lesson 12 of Pimsleur's Speak and Learn Japanese. I figured i'll listen ahead a lesson after completing a lesson, then review before a new lesson, reading the notes ahead of time the night before.
I've been walking on the beach 1-2 hours every morning, except Sunday, and i have lost 10 lbs my first week of July. Yes, i plan to stay at the beach for the whole month of July. So if Durrant needs a Math teach, someone call me to let me know, since i can't get on the internet everyday. I can only get on at the coffee shop, and only on days i venture to Shallotte, which would be days i'd go to church, like tonight at 7pm.
Well, drop me a line.
If you are in Holden Beach, call me.
Hey, i love teaching students, i love Math and Physics and Foreign Languages.
i hate being around control-freak crazy co-workers who are gossipers and liars. i also don't like lazy people or people who goof-off on the clock. It's so annoying to see people at work going on the internet doing non-work related stuff, or just socializing. i am part of the generation that believes in hard work and sacrifice.fun summer time plans at the beach:
to commune with God.
to learn more Japanese and skoshi of other languages.
to become more physically fit.
If you see "Falconhood" somewhere, that is my Super-Hero id, just don't tell Lex Luthor.