Name? Nick Palacios
Birthday? 01/16/89
Height? 6'0
Birthplace? Nashville, TN
What team do you play for? Thunder AAA
How long have you played hockey for? 10 years
What kind of skates do you wear? Easton
Do you know what a Gonshow is? Hell yea
Do you chew tobacco? nope
Have you ever dropped the gloves? Fuck yea
How many times? 11
Have you or do you play junior hockey? ( The stepping stone to the Pro's) No but am able to
Have you ever seen Mystery Alaska more then once? yea
Have you ever had relations with a puckslut? kinda but not relations
Do you know what a Michigan is? yes
Can you do a Michigan? yea
Who is Sydney Crosby? Supposedly the next gretzky
What number do you wear? Big 27
How many days a week do you play hockey? usually everyday
What type of player are you? power foward or enforcer
Is it true that hockey players are one of a kind? fuck yea
What is a lipper? Big dip
Ever had a broken nose? nope
Whats the best thing about being a hockey player? Living the dream
Are you Canadian? hell no
Skoal or Copenhagan? neither
Do you like the new NHL rules? some of them
Do you wear a cage or a visor? cage
What position do you play? Right wing
Have you lost a hockey fight? Yea
Have you won a hockey fight? Yea
Which hand do you shoot? Right
Whats your definition of a Swampdonkey? Galuzo
Have you done your rookie duties? Depends
Have you ever had Lambroast? Noooo
Most memorable hockey moment? PLaying for USA U 18 in the Prague Challenge Cup
Have you ever signed an autograph? yea
Do you like the pucksluts? If I started