Some Things I Like: Abandoned buildings, Abandoned places, AM/PM Stores, Autopsies, Beaches, Beer, Blood, Bloodletting, Body piercings, Caffeine, Camping, Cemeteries, Cheap Vodka, Coffee, Death, Drinking, Food Not Bombs, Free stuff, Free thinking, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Freight trains, Genocide, German, Gourmet coffee, Guitars, Guinness, Guns, Gutter Punks, Hitchhiking, Leather, Liquor, Morbid things, Music, Partying, Piercings, Punk Rockers, Raves, Roadkill, Sharpie Markers, Skinheads, Skrewdriver, Snuff Films, Squats, Squatters, Squatting, Street Punks, Tagging, Tattoos, Train Hopping, Train Yards, Trains, Travel, Traveling, Vampyres, Your Mom.
Some Things I Don't Like: Anti-Smokers, Communism, Daylight, Incompetence, Railroad Bulls, Liars, Homebums, Yuppies, Winter, Stepping In Dogshit, Feminism, Squat Pirates, Trains That Go The Wrong Way, Nonstop Rain, Rap, TP Icicles, Cops, WebCam Invites, Sheeple.
Your mom, spread eagle.
Black Metal, Darkwave, Death Metal, Drum-N-Bass, EBM, Electroclash, Gore Metal, Industrial, Jungle, New Wave, NSBM, Oi, Punk Rock, RAC, Synthpop, Techno, Trance.
Comedy, Documentaries, Horror, Independent, Snuff, Westerns.
Television rots the mind. Go read a fucking book.
Last Book Read: "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance" by Noam Chomsky
Book Before That: "The Coming Conflict with China" by Richard Bernstein and Ross H. Munro
Anyone with the balls to tell it like it really is.