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MyHotComments ....................LOVE, SISTA K
You Are Disco Dancing
You are very energetic and lively. You could dance all night.
Fun loving and social, you like dancing best when everyone in the room is dancing.
You love to dance to anything, and it's hard to stop once you start.
You love dancing in a crowd. And no matter how big the crowd, all eyes are usually on you. .. What Dance Are You?
Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 32%
It's not likely you'll become a multimillionaire, though could happen.
You sometimes save money and work hard - but you don't like to do it! .. Will You Be a Multimillionaire?
Your Birthdate: May 22
You tend to be understated and under appreciated.
You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way.
People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little.
Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know.
Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true
Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid
Your power color: Silver
Your power symbol: Square
Your power month: April .. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Hey y'all!
I am a 44 year old, happily married sista from Atlanta GA. I am a Big Beautiful Woman who loves God through Christ, loves dancing, dining, writing, and recently going to BBW parties in the Atlanta area.
More specifically, I am a promoter and assistant manager for the sexiest full figured social network of Atlanta, THE CLUB 249.
Check us out at WWW.THECLUB249.COM.
I origionally came here merely to check things out. I had heard so much about My Space and thought it was just for the "youngins" as they say in my neck of the woods...
Now, that I am a pro in these parts, we will see if a "oldie but goodie" such as myself can continue to maintain with the best on this site...
Chin up beautiful's not over 'til its over and it's not over yet!
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
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Sista K's sign.....hmmm makes ya wonder....
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