Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts**********************************************************He y everyone!!! my name is raggy, well its my nickname, i started been called it by my grandad when i was young to wind me up, i didnt like it at first, but it stuck and grow on me, my lil cuz counldnt say my actual name properly so it was much easier to say "raggy". i am northern girl, but lives in london town, been living here for 6 yrs now i LOVE IT! i have got some wicked friends here, hey rob and bex, many of great nights with these guys (ie look at some of the pitures!!) hey carlie! hey joey! and everyone else i know from london. i did live in south wales for a little time as well , also had some great friends there to , u know who u are!! actually i met up with them for the first time in 4 years on year, it was mad but a bit different to london! i have just recently set myself up as self employed, doing mobile hairdressing, it crazy there are none in london ,esp everyone works late. i have been doing hairdressing for nearly 8 years , i really enjoying making people feel better about themselfs ,esp after a long day at work! Also just recently i went to wales(9th april 2007) to celebrate my bro getting married , its all so so wired , this means we are all grown up, and besides it werent meant to be him first !!! but saying that i have gaind a lovely new sister-in-law, her name is Anna. Dont worry adrian i have no crazy ideas going in my head LOL! well i hope u enjoy browsing my myspace page , and that i dont seem to boring that u will want to add me to urs. xx ************************************************************ *
You scored as Cookie. Everyone loves a cookie.
Party/Colour Ring
Jammy Dodger
Custard Cream
Fig Roll
Ginger Nut
What Biscuit Am I ?
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