DREYELANDS (Looking for LABEL!) profile picture


About Me

Dreyelands is one of the latest representatives of the Hungarian progressive metal music.
Summoned to life in 2002 by the two founding members András Ádám Horváth (guitars) and Gergely Springer (bass), the band played several cover shows with its initial formations. After Omar Gassama, Zoltán Kas and Nikola Mijic (Alogia, Expedition Delta) joined the band they began work on their own material.
The members do have a broad musical taste from the progressive rock of the 70’s, through the AOR music of the 80’s & 90’s to heavy-, death- and extreme metal – not to mention funky, jazz and blues as well. Altogether there were and are several influences synthesized by the band while developing their unique sound, resulting in complex, but still catchy songs with wide spanning vocal themes, tight rhythms, hard riffs and flowing keyboard themes.
Dreyelands will surely be cherished by those who like Dream Theater, Symphony X, Pagan’s Mind, Circus Maximus, Jorn Lande, Evergrey or Redemption, just to mention a few bands.
After recording a demo in 2003, Dreyelands recorded their first earnest material, a promotional EP titled Can’t Hide Away in 2006. There was also a music video made for the title song of the EP. This video was featured several times on the Headbanger’s Ball program of MTV Hungary. Hungarian and international feedbacks on the EP are beyond expectations. A song of the EP, titled One Fall featured on the CD sampler called 'Metal Crusade Vol. XVII' of the 117th (2008 december) edition of the german 'HEAVY' magazine.
The material of the first album was ready at the end of 2007, and the band began recordings in the spring of 2008. Mixing and mastering of the concept album titled Rooms of Revelation was done in January 2009 by Barnabás Hidasi (Stonehenge, Wall of Sleep, Korai Öröm) in the HL-Studio.
The band is seeking currently for Hungarian and international management and label, to have the album promoted as widely as possible to the growing fan community, and to have opportunities to present the material live.
Contact: www.dreyelands.com
[email protected]
DREYELANDS - CAN'T HIDE AWAY Click on the video!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/18/2006
Band Website: www.dreyelands.com
Band Members:
Omar Gassama - Drums

András Ádám Horváth - Guitars

Zoltán Kas - Keyboards

Nikola Mijic - Vocals

Gergely Springer - Bass

Influences: Dream Theater, Ark, Symphony X, Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximus, Jorn, Ayreon, Whitesnake, Europe...
Sounds Like: Our music sounds like a mixture of AOR and prog metal music. Low tuned guitar riffs with strong, melodic vocal themes.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


DREYELANDS is looking for a label and/or management!We've finished the recording, mixing and mastering process of the debut LP, Rooms of Revelation. Now we are looking for international label(s) and m...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 04:55:00 GMT

Album Updates

Lassan befejezQdnek a Dreyelands magyar prog.metal csapat bemutatkozó albumának stúdió munkálatai. A 9. trackes koncept lemez munkacíme Rooms of Revelation. A lemezen a bandán felül közremqködik a Tes...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 12:18:00 GMT

Dreyelands on Metal Crusade Vol. XVII.

A német 'HEAVY' magazin decemberi, 117. számának 'Metal Crusade Vol. XVII'. címq CD-mellékletén szerepel majd a Dreyelands One Fall c. dalának, itt a myspace-en is hallható demo verziója.*******Demo v...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 12:22:00 GMT

10 000th!!! :-)

Ma látogatott el oldalunkra a 10 000. olvasó!!!Köszönjük... ;-)xxxWe had our 10 000th visitor today!!!Thank you! ;-)
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:12:00 GMT

DREYELANDS debut on MTV Hungary / DREYELANDS debüt az MTV-n!

On 16th January 2008, in Headbanger's Ball on MTV Hungary the video for Dreyelands' Can't Hide Away was aired. *** *** *** *** ***2008. január 16-án, a magyar MTV Headbanger's Ball müsorában...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 03:15:00 GMT

CAN'T HIDE AWAY - Reviews / Kritikák

Az alábbi linkeken olvasható néhány kritika a Can't Hide Away EP-röl/Few rewievs about the Can't Hide Away EP: http://crusadeofmetal.blogspot.com/search/label/Dreyelands&n bsp; (HUN) http://www.seconds...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:53:00 GMT