Pugs, Linux, CoX, routers, servers, fixing pc's, networks. You know, the geeky stuff! I do want to take a few cooking classes and perhaps dabble in some travel should I ever get some time off. Maybe some photography later on.
Mechanical Moth, VnV Nation, Mesh, De/Vision, Dark Illumination, Covenant, Das Ich, Dust of Basement, Lycia, Theatre of Tragedy, Blutengel, Wumpscut, NamNamBulu, Colony 5, Cesium 147, Funker Vogt, Assemblage 23, Seabound, Neuroticfish, L'ame Immortelle, Sara Noxx, Velvet Acid Christ, Autechre, Squarepusher, London Elektricity, DJ Ferry Corsten (and all of his many aliases).
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Matrix, The Professional, Pi, Cube, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead, Supertroopers, RuRouni Kensin, you get the idea...
What's tv? :)
I forgot how to read. Ok, no really, I know how to read but I'm sorry, I don't read tons of books like everyone else seems to do on every one of these kinds of sites. In the past, I've read Anne Rice novels (what can I say? I'm a sucker for vampires) and nearly all of Tolkien's works. I've also enjoyed books like The Jungle, 1984, Brave New World, and other assorted books that you were probably forced to read in high school. Maybe some day, I'll find something to interest me enough to make time to read it. :P
Slick from Sinfest. unf!