baseball, pitching, hitting, catching, hurling, chunking, swinging (with a bat of course), stealing (bases), and (adjusting the) fingering (of my pitches).~~Fastball-94mph; Curveball-75; change-up-72; watching the opponent go down looking- priceless!~~
I'd like to meet jesus most. who wouldn't? the rest of the list reads as follows (in no particular order).Ok, this section needs work... There's really no one i'm dying to see... Celebrites are probably too smug to appreciate fans... So
Marshall Mathers, he's the man, regardless of the mood, or setting,he's got it covered
I prefer to call it "T.V." but whatever floats ur boat. And i love the duece <~~ originally, this had nothing to do with
The Laws of FTS:I.Terms and Conditions of Team FTS.A)All persons seeking eligibility must pertain to one of the following: 1=Reimberse defiance to rule(s). 2=Be accused of alleged act and be found guilty or 2a=find a loophole to be relinqushed of said act 3=Demonstrate the ability to perform a "Double Shot" under circumstances of mild to moderate pressure. 4=BXR, consistently and effectively 5="Make a funny" about Barbara Streisand 6=Earn respect through the eyes of our moderators through either ability or likeness. 7=Any other act deemed necasarry by the Overlord(s) B) 1-Eligibility, under no circumstances, signifies that the said person will be elected onto the staff team of FTS.2-Accepted persons will join at the lowest designated rank and class.C)Members must always FTS.II.Tools of FTSA)FTS members should be able to use the follwing tools/objects. 1=Frag. Grenades 2=Sticky grenades(1-10 stick/throw ratio) 3=Sniper of choice(5x zoom or less) 4=Noob combo (85% Success rate) 5=BR (minimum 6 round kill) B)The following acts must be perfomable by persons who are in or wanting to join FTS 1=Crouch jumps to BR Tower and sniper from mid 2=Super bounce on Zanzibar 3=Beaver Creek jumps to basetops. 4=Any other feat deemed necessary by team FTS.*unfinished*
Heroes... What exactly is a hero anyway? "Superman"? i think not... he's not courageous... when he sees a little green rock, he goes into panzy mode... heck i know people who throw rocks and get hit by rocks and barely flinch, now thats courage... Can a hero not be human? is it so much to ask that once, just once, a person can do something with righteous cause??? forgive me, society, but you disappoint me