Art, Music, Books, Coffee, Beer and cigarettes, Shooting my friends, Running from the police, and trying to eradicate yellow....the list goes on...
all the family I never grandparents have been huge inspirations to me even though I only know two of them through the things they left behind...from the writings and art left by my maternal grandparents I've learned to be proud of who I am and where I come from...even if I am just a dirty irish-german drunk...from my paternal grandparents I learned to have an open mind towards others and to accept the people and things that come my way without trying to change them...I learned this the hard way from even if it was for just a few seconds, I'd like to see them to say thank you...
Everything...I just love music period...I personally lean towards the heavier side of things, but that doesn't mean you won't find Mozart, B.B. King, and Atreyu all hanging out on the same page of my CD case
The Boondock Saints, Noises Off!, Empire Records, SLC Punk, etc...I love movies almost as much as music
I hate TV...
Anything by Brian Jacques or R.A. Salvatore.
Santa Clause. Cause he's a fat bastard, works one day a year, is actually HAPPY with himself, and gets to eat all the milk and cookies he wants.