I am a very friendly person welcome to myspace i need friends
Today I chat on QQ with my friends and classmates for really a long time, and I learned a lot. If you work hard , you will get something.The gap between hardworking guys and lazy ones are really obvious, really large. All my hardworking friends had a great job, a great salary, a great future, and, of course, a great ã€meaningful and happy life. The lazy ones, of course, still drawning themselfs in the frustration of how hard life can be. But still aceppt the reality. Ignoring the simplest and smallest things which put together can help you winning a great future and life.My bro's ex is right.I am still young,It's not too late for me to work hard.There is a so fucking great future waiting for me, and I can not let that go. Of course It's not easy, but nothing comes easy, put your strence and engery in it ,put your intrest in it.You will win. Bilive in yourself. Today is 5.4 Youths' day. In may 4th, 1919 and june 4th, 1989 a lot youngsters devote their lives for freedom. Remember these days, remember the brothers and sisters.For their sprits last forever.I now don't have to devote my life to get freedom, I will charish my chance.I will work hard, to prove their lives mean something.I will continue on their junery. From now on, I will become a new person. A hardworking one. I am exploding.
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everyone around the world but you got to be honest
My Blog
I am exploding
Today I chat on QQ with my friends and classmates for really a long time, and I learned a lot. If you work hard , you will get something.The gap between hardworking guys and lazy ones are really obvio... Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:40:00 GMT