My primary interest is gaming. Ever since I got a Super Nintendo back in Kindergarten, much of my free time has been spent here. Currently, I'm playing Everquest (a lot), as this is where most of my friends are. I also enjoy reading (mostly fantasy books).
I've always fancied having a chat with the Norse god Loki. Or any Norse god, for that matter.
Nothing specific, but I have always liked dark, foreboding, orchestral music. Naturally, I also like quite a bit of video game music (specifically final fantasy music, or any game made by square, really).
I wish I'd seen more.
I don't watch much TV these days. Maybe some Adult Swim every once in awhile, though a lot of stuff on it is rubish.
Various fantasy books. I'm a particular fan of the Harry Potter series, and RA Salvatore.
I can't say I really have a hero. In 12th grade, I had to write a paper about a hero. I kind of played with the definition of "hero" in it, and wrote a twisted paper involving Harry S Truman being a hero for nuking Japan. Now, I actually like the Japanese, and don't think that innocent people dying was a good thing, but it did make for an interesting paper.