Craig profile picture


Rue and Brimstone, Fires of Doom

About Me

I'm spiteful, vindictive, and an overall malcontent. Sound pleasant? Yet, some people still manage to like me. Perhaps I'm really not so maligned after all. Then again, perhaps I am. In the end, that call lies in the eye of the beholder. To my friends, I'm "totally awesome." As for my enemies? I am the very essence of their nightmares.

My Interests

My primary interest is gaming. Ever since I got a Super Nintendo back in Kindergarten, much of my free time has been spent here. Currently, I'm playing Everquest (a lot), as this is where most of my friends are. I also enjoy reading (mostly fantasy books).

I'd like to meet:

I've always fancied having a chat with the Norse god Loki. Or any Norse god, for that matter.


Nothing specific, but I have always liked dark, foreboding, orchestral music. Naturally, I also like quite a bit of video game music (specifically final fantasy music, or any game made by square, really).


I wish I'd seen more.


I don't watch much TV these days. Maybe some Adult Swim every once in awhile, though a lot of stuff on it is rubish.


Various fantasy books. I'm a particular fan of the Harry Potter series, and RA Salvatore.


I can't say I really have a hero. In 12th grade, I had to write a paper about a hero. I kind of played with the definition of "hero" in it, and wrote a twisted paper involving Harry S Truman being a hero for nuking Japan. Now, I actually like the Japanese, and don't think that innocent people dying was a good thing, but it did make for an interesting paper.

My Blog

Bards in Final Fantasy

From my experience, bards ceased to exist in Final Fantasy (as playble characters, at least) past FF5.  And it's not very hard to figure out why.  In FF5, the bard class was utterly, unmitig...
Posted by Craig on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:25:00 PST

Introspective ruminations on my hatred of Retsin

Retsin.  Just the name sends cold waves of fury down my spine, engendering practically infinite enmity.  Upon examining him, most people would be inclined to say "Well, he seems like a pleas...
Posted by Craig on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:26:00 PST