captain jose scandal profile picture

captain jose scandal

I am here for Dating and Networking

About Me

I like to eat alot.I love to sleep.working out staying in fit is my life.I'm proud to be a punk.I like to spend money I guess that why I'm always broke.I dream of having straight teeth and having my own line of cloths one day.I like to bust my ass at work and then go home and spike up my hair.drink cheap wine and smoke cicars.I want to make lots of money so I can build a real pirate ship I always wanted to be a pirate.

My Interests

CARIBBEAN SEA!!!!!I like to get shit face drunk and go bowling!!!Working my ass off and getting very dirty,hanging out with my friends telling inside jokes,going to walmart really late at night drunk.I like to box,lift weights pump iron until I PASS OUT.

I'd like to meet:

,shakira,kat von d,I wanna drink a 40'oz with jesus and satan,2pac,george strait /obj


G.B.H,The casualties,the misfits,johnny Cash,damage case,the exploited,the scandals,lower class brats,shakira,krum Bums,FEAR,Vaurkers,Frontline Attack,Clit 45,The unseen,Blondie,george strait,tupac,Discharge,Ghoultown!!!!!


Tombstone,all the star wars,Conan the destroyer,Desperado,la bamba,walk the line


no thanks


prince vegeta,doc holiday,pirates,