Fast cars, ATVs, dirtbikes, racketball, OSU & Cincinnati Bengals football, Reds Baseball and my favorite of them all is my 1970 Hemi Cuda numbers matching with R-code!!!
I like to meet the person who designed the roads in central Columbus and tell him what a dumb fuck he is. Also, I wouldn't mind meeting Hank Williams Jr. and Carson Palmer.
I like all kinds of music, but my favorite favorite is definetally rap and country. David Lee Roth " Ahh, you reach down put it between my legs n' ease the seat back" and " Hey, I heard you missed us We're back! (Hey!) I brought my pencil Give me something to write on, man! Whoa"
I watch them once, and I can resight every fucking line.
Amber(future wife) and I like to watch American Idol and that damn O.C. program.
Right now, David Sedaris and Japanese For Busy People. Heroes TheodoreAnything by Stephen King, or that genre of books. John Saul, Dean Koontz, mystery suspense stuff. Clancy is pretty good. I'll read other stuff if it has a good story that keeps me turning the pages. I tend to have a pretty good imagination and need a story that works with that. Don't get me wrong, I've read plenty of other authors, but find that I like the easy to read, flowing stories of the above writers.
My parents & Dale Earnhardt JR not Jeff Gordon Aka "The Rainbow Warrior"