crissizzle profile picture


searching for the BDE

About Me

ninja who is in a constant quest for the BDE....the phrase "you can't judge a book by its cover" has taken on all the more meanings for me as i get older...what are the best foods really shaped like?....i like to make fun of "emo"....the other night an idea i thought was legit suddenly became "no, of course i don't think thats a good idea"....wannabe hustler (some day)....i love going to wash park and riding my bike around and checking out all the incredibly attractive people...i resigned a lease for the sole reason of keeping my neighbuddies...yes i just made that word up and am still trying to let it sink in...i'm a raging affectionate but they don't have meetings for people like me.....i have the best neighbors in the freaking world and we want to install a hotel door...i call my landlord brian but his name is david....a lot of what i'm writing in this section will confuse most and be understood and laughed at by very few...i love hanging out at dive bars and shooting pool and being a snickers bars aren't friend sized....i had a crush on david duchovnyas mulder from the xfiles and totally changed my mind as i grew up however now i again think he is just about the hottest thing in the world as hank on favorite quote from that show is "Here it comes another self-indulgent whiskey soaked diatribe about how fucking great everything was in the past, and how all us poor souls born too late to see The Stones at wherever or snort the good coke at studio 54, well we'd all just missed out on practically everything worth living for. Here we are at the edge of the world; the very edge of western civilization and all of us are so desperate to feel something, anything that we keep falling in to each other and fucking our way towards the end of days."

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My Interests

in no particular order(expect for the 1st one, thats there because its number one): snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, swimming, playing pool, late night deep philosophical debates, anything involving the beach, my dogs, books, good wine, cheap wine, dive bars, good conversation, good people...also i really LOVE to travel. i have been to a ton more places than i have pictures of i just didn't bring a camera! so ask me about it if you're interested! i lived in italy for two years so i have been to pretty much everywhere in europe.

I'd like to meet:

me and david's way to waste an afternoon: jessica alba, eva mendes, angelina jolie, penelope cruz, and gwen stefani... *not on that particular list but would still love to meet: mars callahan, christopher walken, and so many others*anche, se c'e qualcuno che parla l'italiano trova questo profle, scrivemi! mi piacerebbe avere un amico con cui posso parlare la bella lingua! ho vissuto a perugia da due anni, cosi l'italiano non e teribile.


wide variety of chunky boner jams


poolhall junkies is my fav


arrested development, the office, survivorman, weeds, californication


too many to list


my dad, my mom

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph...
Posted by crissizzle on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:09:00 PST

statistics will be the death of me

The subject pretty much says it all....but to elablorate so those of you who read this won't be let down that I have nothing else to say on the topic.... I am paying about $2500 for each class I take...
Posted by crissizzle on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 06:18:00 PST

a rant on existentialism

here is my response to the recently read chapter on existentialism in "Systems of Psychotherapy a transtheoretical analysis" My first thought about existential therapy was that it was dreamt up by a b...
Posted by crissizzle on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:36:00 PST