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Ya don't gotta lie to kick it. - a phrase coined by the homie Slurp Dogg sometime in year Nineteen n

About Me

I think that I think a lot... and so I used to think that the collection of my thoughts are who I am. Now I feel that the thoughts are just a glimpse and even what you see here will change the moment after I record it. For now, my collective actions over time will define me - not such passing things as a word I speak or a thought I capture.I'm always changing around the few things I try to stay true to, so even though what you see here changes from time to time, the core remains mostly the same. Probably too serious for my own good sometimes... =P but I love having a good time =) -- I'm usually a very chillin', laid back kinda guy but I can also be very exact, exacting and aggressive when I want. Sometimes quiet and sometimes talkative... Very self-reflective and contemplative (its gotta be true cause its taking me forever to write this... nuerotic?), open, & have an agressive streak (come race me). -- Everyone does what they do for a reason that makes sense to them -- With all of the things in my life that I control, know, and sense, sometimes, I just want to let go and go somewhere where I don't know. -- Just talk to me for a little while and you'll have an idea... -- (I strive to) Do the right thing... Simple, complex and straight-forward--perhaps to a fault... I admire those who's thoughts, speech and actions flow together seamlessly -- Team-player... -- I like taking on new, interesting, never done before projects that require imagination and creativity. -- Live and let live -- Cynical - its hard for me to believe that someone's doing something for the common good... -- Believer - that there are those out there who genuinely care and who do good things for the sake of doing them. -- Critical -- Obsessive -------------- The truth: The greatness of a nation and its moral progress, can be judged by the way its animals are treated. -MKG ------------------- Some Good Propaganda: Moby "Intellectually, human beings and animals may be different, but it's pretty obvious that animals have a rich emotional life and that they feel joy and pain. It's easy to forget the connection between a hamburger and the cow it came from. But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around." ---------------- I like challenging popularized conventions of thought (and stupid, cheesy forwarded e-mails). The latest in this is what I'm calling the learning madness... Over the last few years, its become very popular to say, "I've learned so much from... blah blah blah..." That's cool but I think that we as a society are using that phrase like self-help. And some people are using that phrase as filler when they ain't really got anything of substance to say. Yeah, everyone learns from all of their experiences. Its wonderful... Its wonderous... Its gotta make you wonder... Having learned something has become the popular end-all to every situation that we're in-good or bad.-Cause I like driving & cars: Motortrend says, "Front drive is the Spocklike logical solution in low-power compact cars with high-mileage ambitions. Speed freaks swear by the Velcro traction of all-wheel drive, particularly if their engines are percolating more power than their tires can pour. And rear drive is the choice for passionate drivers." I got a rear wheel drive car now but I want an all-wheel drive car with a rear drive bias... =) (Sti...) -- Have you ever driven next to a Ferrari? If you do, roll your windows down and listen... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Kung fu, religon, river rafting, being vegetarian, business operations-strategic management, leadership, driving & cars, sports, playing cards, writing...

I'd like to meet:

In general, good-hearted, happy, fun loving people. =) and... Hopefully, my other half...


Rap, Hip Hop, R'nB, a little alternative, some Indian (esp. A. R. Rehman produced stuff), trance is good to drive to (enter: Happy Dan Mix), music to roll to... Anything that can take over my mind and demeanor and make me take on a different part of myself


Braveheart, Ronin, Heat, Powder, Kung Fu Hustle, DodgeBall, Shrek --Just find me a martial arts flick, comedy, or cars being driven fast... No need for something gory or something that'll make you cry. I go to movies for action and comedy or heart--no sadness-the news has enough already...


Back in the day - superhero cartoons, 24, not much else... No more Lake show... who are they? The Lakers traded Shaq-it wasn't right!


A Way of Knowing, Brothers and Keepers


Mom&Dad - can't say enough about them - they're the only ones who will without hesitation pick you up every time you call down, Gandhiji, MLK, Daniel H. - my old English comp prof in college who made me believe in my ability to put intelligent thought on paper again, Ed V.- my old supervisor who took an interest in developing my management skills, Arnold S. - another supervisor who showed me what working hard and really going after something is about. Ms. Samta J - who made me appreciate and have fun dancing... and all the people who've worked with me to achieve a goal and all of the people who made me, me-these are my heroes

My Blog

Too much for coincidence

You have to know 2 little facts for this to make sense. 1) AAHOA  = Asian American Hotel Owner's Association.  (It should just be called the Patel Association.) 2) My buddy Amar's family is ...
Posted by Paras on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 08:59:00 PST

Giving what someone else wants (another OFB)

Believe it or not, most people know what they need.  If they don't they'll ask for help.  I continue to find that in giving, however, so many of us don't really listen to what the other pers...
Posted by Paras on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:45:00 PST

The value theory - from an old Friendster blog

I just wanted to copy this here to this site: Now y'all know this.  I'm not the first to say it, write it or preach it... I'm just gonna put it in writing... again.  About human nature: It...
Posted by Paras on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST

B-School trip to Japan - First night in Kyoto

Ohio Gozaimas! I'm in Kyoto rightnow - the thrid biggest city inJapan. We got in at about 10pm Kyototime which is like 5am LA time.People were tired as hell but beingthat we only have one more night h...
Posted by Paras on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:46:00 PST

On how you treat the people you are closest to

Human nature is a funny thing.  We sometimes don't give the same care, gentleness and respect to the people that we are closest to and to the people who do the most for us.  Hopefu...
Posted by Paras on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:59:00 PST

Sexy media a siren call to promiscuity? Agree or Disagree?

By Michael Conlon Mon Apr 3, 12:01 PM ET from Yahoo news CHICAGO (Reuters) - Sexually charged music, magazines, TV and movies push youngsters into intercourse at an earlier age, perhaps by acting as k...
Posted by Paras on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:11:00 PST

Aye Udi Udi Udi

AYE UDI UDI UDI ae uRii uRii uRii ae khwaabo.n kii burii Bad dreams flew away; ae rang khelii ae saarii raat ho ga'ii the whole night passed in a haze of pleasure. ae uRii uRii uRii ae khwa...
Posted by Paras on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:31:00 PST

Staring - Seeing - Thinking

As he looks out at the world around him, some wonder why he stares, why sometimes his lips are slightly pursed and why he has a serious look about him... He doesn't mean to lo...
Posted by Paras on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:47:00 PST


My thoughts on this are still forming and this is by no means going to be something original but we all currently do exist in a matrix of sorts.  The reality that we live in is defined by others ...
Posted by Paras on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:12:00 PST