Kung fu, religon, river rafting, being vegetarian, business operations-strategic management, leadership, driving & cars, sports, playing cards, writing...
In general, good-hearted, happy, fun loving people. =) and... Hopefully, my other half...
Rap, Hip Hop, R'nB, a little alternative, some Indian (esp. A. R. Rehman produced stuff), trance is good to drive to (enter: Happy Dan Mix), music to roll to... Anything that can take over my mind and demeanor and make me take on a different part of myself
Braveheart, Ronin, Heat, Powder, Kung Fu Hustle, DodgeBall, Shrek --Just find me a martial arts flick, comedy, or cars being driven fast... No need for something gory or something that'll make you cry. I go to movies for action and comedy or heart--no sadness-the news has enough already...
Back in the day - superhero cartoons, 24, not much else... No more Lake show... who are they? The Lakers traded Shaq-it wasn't right!
A Way of Knowing, Brothers and Keepers
Mom&Dad - can't say enough about them - they're the only ones who will without hesitation pick you up every time you call down, Gandhiji, MLK, Daniel H. - my old English comp prof in college who made me believe in my ability to put intelligent thought on paper again, Ed V.- my old supervisor who took an interest in developing my management skills, Arnold S. - another supervisor who showed me what working hard and really going after something is about. Ms. Samta J - who made me appreciate and have fun dancing... and all the people who've worked with me to achieve a goal and all of the people who made me, me-these are my heroes