Rebecca profile picture


About Me

hmmmm what to say about me....well I recently moved from upstate NY to San Francisco within the last two years, and I love the city, there is never snow here, the food is amazing, plus there is always something to do. I work as an RN in the oncology outpatient dept at a local hospital and I really enjoy it. I am still going to school part time and maybe within the next ten years I will get my masters in nursing. I have a great boyfriend and I am in the process of moving in with him, this terrifies me as I have always been scared of committment, but maybe this time it will work I have my fingers crossed he is a good man.

My Interests

Yoga, fitness.....yeah I am a gym nut, but thats only because I am dating a gym nut! traveling, I am going to China this Nov and I cant wait! cooking...this is a work in progress! gardening, we dont have much of a yard to speak of but what we have is full of plants. reading, going out with friends, lounging around the house in my comfy clothes, a little shopping here and there, the beach is my favorite place on earth and I spend as much time there as possible. Horseback riding....I miss it! Trying new things and exploring new places. Getting into as much trouble as humanly possible.


A little of everything depending on my mood, as long as its loud.


My favorite movies change like the wind, just like everything else.


blah blah blah does anyone really care what I watch on TV....I dont care what you watch on TV!


I am such a girl I love Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Jennifer Weiner and Mary Higgins Clark.


My Mom!