WuTs GoOd MySpAc3, Da NaMeS J-R, BoRn N RaIs3d N BoStOn......qet more into0 mii to0 start out iim 20yrs old, dis miracle happened on Dec3mbeR 1st <"88" BabY>.f0r "AnYoNe" wh0o0o d0nT kno0o0 ii d0 m3 2da full3st..Th0se wh0 d0nT liiKe !t......oh w3ll.. lol but really iima a down to0 earth type of DuDe iim calm ii dont liike ppl who draw iin attention to0 them selves by actiin stupid cuz iif yuh cant draw iin attention just by da way yuh lo0k nd dress den dont draw iin attention at all...but iima co0l ass 0n3 to0 chyll wiit have funn dont do0 drama nd dont liike FaKe 1s...! luV da ClUb, pARtiin, smOkin, DrInnKin...or juss cHiLLiN umm ma qrown man & for dat shxt iif yuh lo0kiin to0 play qames h0pp off ma page ya digg. but iif YuH wAnnA no0 moRe AbOut mii JusT HiiT mii up iin messaqes/comments.{}
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