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Don't tell me what u value, show me ur budget and I'LL tell you what u value!

About Me

Who am I? Great question... we should all ask ourselves that more often. I think i'm still not sure who i AM... but i know what i value... my friends, my family, respect, intergrity, honesty and personal growth. My means are a bit "unconventional" at best... I don't mind being the weed in the garden of society. I also know that I speak my mind and have no problem standing up or speaking out for those who are not strong enough to do so for themselves. I know this makes me sound very serious... but honestly, i enjoy life... and creating the life i'm living. Each moment is created to be a life long memory filled with love and laughter. If your reading this (does anyone read anymore?) then you prolly have some understanding of who i am, and i'm sure you'd fit into my world pretty well. Besdies we are all lookin for the same three things in life, LOVE, ACCEPTANCE & APPRECIATION... i hope u find it...Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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My Interests

.. .. .. ....> People interest me... i find them fascinating... the way one moves, thinks, feels, takes in life, lives, cries, all of it... there are certain people out there that amaze me constantly... they surprise me with their compassion, their honesty and integrity, their humor as well as sorrow... their strength and vulnerability... the artisitic fashion, and deep understanding... these people.. i hold close to my heart... and protect from the negativity dished out in spoonfuls by the masses in this society.... oh and i like to make people laugh... hehe! ..

I'd like to meet:

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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeAnyone with the courage to be themselves.. at any given moment.. who isnt afraid or being both the teacher and the student... who sees life for what it is.. and has compassion for others as well as the passion within to see that they too can be a driving force in this existance... and fun people who like to party...


Bjork, Fat boy slim, Chemical Bros, ANNIE LENNOX (the soul of a black woman trapped in a whte chick!) Macy Grey, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Daft Punk, DJ Tiesto, Alanis Morrisette, Moonpools and Catapillars, POSTAL SERVICE. ..


Hell, I could go on and on... but for your sake i wont... what i will say is that Alfred Hitchcock is the most engenious director of all times.. Rebecca, Vertigo, Stangers on a Train, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Notorious, the Birds, Psycho.... just to name a few... The Matrix... a beautiful blend of various religions... intended to awaken us from the thoughts and ideas that we have been enprisoned in... Run Lola Run: teaches us that life cant be forced, for bargined with.. that we must succomb to it... and ride it like the rollercoaster it is... "you bought the ticket, might as well ride the ride!" Dream for the Insomniac: A love story about believing in destiny and ourselves... and settling for nothin less the extraordinary... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: michel Goundry directed this flick with true vision.. leadin to the question.. are we better for the fears and anguish we go thru... is it truely better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all??? and is Ignorance truely bliss???? THE SECRET!!!


I LOVE the Family Guy... brilliant humor... very clever and smart... Arrested Development, tho gone.. not forgotten... brilliant comedy.. writing and acting... Stranger with Candy... Amy Sedaris ROCKS... i admire women who are daring enuff to forgo the mask of beauty to get a laugh... which leads me to Tina Fey and Amy Polar... SNL... Is there anything sexier than a woman who can make u laugh? Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +


Illusions- by Richard Bach... what an amazing book and a quick read. Now i'm not a reader... but i love this book... It's more of a manual on life... the reasoning behind it all.. and the potential we all have within ourselves to be who we truely are at any given moment... without regret.. without shame...There is another book i do want to get... Not sure of the title.. but it's about water and the findings of emotion on water.. and how negative thoughts and people poison us... sounds interesting...Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +


I have many heros... names aren't really important... the common thread in all of them is the courage to face their fears... and to do what is required of them by "God", the Universe or LOVE. We all have the choice to act out of love or out of fear... often the more difficult of the two.. is the right one... in life, strive to be your own hero... regardless of what u believe or not... you truely are stronger than u think.Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +

My Blog

My Friday Night

It's interesting to me how the Universe works... unless we pay attention to what it is truely doing for us, we could miss it all completely.I facilitate groups thru work and on Friday the topic revolv...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 11:44:00 PST


So i ran across this article on CNN however before i get to that i want to talk a little about what led me to look for it... A couple of weeks ago before i headed to work i saw Good 'ol President Bush...
Posted by Anthony on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:57:00 PST

Bad Mouthing...

I've learned, dont ever bad mouth someone or somthing else, unless it is TRUELY warented... it cheapens your soul.However, i do think it's okay to express hurt feelings, anger, frustration... all of i...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:47:00 PST

My Thoughts on sadness....

Someone wrote me, sayin simply, "I'm sad, cheer me up."Hmmm... i thought. There could be a billion things that i could write here... non of which would do any good really... i have a friend (or had sh...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST

Check out this event: Fright Day the 13th - FREE event!

Hosted By: Anthony ContrerasWhen: Friday Oct 13, 2006 at 8:00 PMWhere: Leo Carrillo Campgrounds35000Malibu, CA 90265USDescription:Anthony Contreras Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Anthony on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:54:00 PST

Check out this event: ETHAN's SpanksGiving Day!

Hosted By: ETHAN Los AngelesWhen: Friday Nov 18, 2005 at 9:00 PMWhere: Club L4923 Lankershim Blvd.North Hollywod, CA 91601USDescription:ETHAN Los Angeles Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Anthony on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:02:00 PST

I had no IDEA....

I feel compelled to write... to express the anger, frustration, disappointment and hatred i have for my President, George W. Bush. I'm watching Oprah, which i do from time to time, and i'm watching t...
Posted by Anthony on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 04:03:00 PST