singing, dancing, fishing, WAR GAME, Counter-strike, PS2 & 3,Wii, Resident evil, Metal Gear solid, Animals, traveling, beauty. Too many too list
People who like animals, war game (airsoft), Music, red/ white/ ice Wine, Chocolate, Video games, Computer game (Counter Strike ) , wake board, Good food and nice place to chill, shopping (what kind of girls don't love it?)..... oooo, it's just too much =)
Love Tori Amos, Jewel..... Love Dream Theater Love Musical Love some Rock Love some Pop No country for me Slow Jazz Smooth dance How about something really really rhythmic like... Sean Paul
My Best friend's Wedding, Scent of a woman, Bone Collector, Sword fish, Spider man 1 (the first is the best), A night in the Museum, pratical magic.... etc
~~~singing~~~~ The SimpsonDespearate housewives, Heros, Medium, Dark Angle, Ghost Whisperer and a lot of other Jap Animations.
Jane Green is a pretty good writer, love books that talks about ghost, unexplainable stuffs, and the ever so scary one, is The Bible Code. Read a lot of Chinese novels too, like, "Deep Snow" the author.