What 80's Metal Band are you? (with pics)
Motely Crue
Motley Crue. Poofy hair, make-up, spandex and leather, you are the typical 80's band. Those who hear your music know not to be fooled by the image. Despite all the show, you rock.
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L Lively
I Intelligent
N Nutty
D Dashing
A Altruistic
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Click here to get your own custom Glitter TextHya im Linda my brother has a myspace also hes known as mikey. Him and my daughter chloe got me into this so im learning as i go lol. As you can see by my details at the bottom of the page im 36 (god) go to college part time, I have a daughter 11 who i love both to bits. I come from liverpool (yes a scouser).I love music especially seeing the videos to them have a look at my videos as ive managed to find some of my favorites as you will see i like a variation in music well basically everything lol. I hope i do ok as i say im learning as i go so bear with me lol.