Get More MySpace Layouts like mine at I make my own toothpaste with everyday household clutter. ---I find it comforting to project aquatic life hallucinations into my field of vision at all times. ---When people look at me they always babble in Portuguese, whether they know the language or not. ---Sometimes I make little clockwork aliens and hide them in socks. ---It was actually I who said, "Give me liberty or give me death" but it was misinterpreted. I actually said, "Givem eliber tyorg iv emede ath." In Rabbitese, this means: I want to hump and chew carrots. ---I've been having vision disturbances so I decided to grow another eye in my armpit. ---I have no concept of 'seasons' or 'times of year'. ---My body creases are actually a map of subterranean New Zealand. ---Comptrollers of towns and villages of less than 11,483 population are compelled to seek me out when they see mauve colored flashing lights. ---I have 3 stomachs: one is anatomically identical to a beaver's gallbladder; one is made of steel wool; one is in my big toe. ---I believe that at the moment the proper term for "Critters" was revealed to be "Crites", all past and future conspiracy theories of all subjects became intertwined. ---
I have 2 biological mothers. ---If a genie granted me one wish it would be to have a giant pogo stick. If I was lucky enough to get 3 wishes, the first would be to have a giant pogo stick; the second to have a cushioned seat on it; and the third to make the giant pogo stick even bigger. ---I have recently become a priestess of Isis.