"I do all story-boarding myself. Then I turn over my little stick figures to professional storyboard artists, and they make me look good."-Steven Spielberg
"Faster and more intense!!!""-George Lucas
"The Universe is an infinite sphere, the centre of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere." -Pensées, Blaise Pascal (1623-62) French mathematician and natural philosopher.
"The way to find out whether anything exists or not is to depend on the testimony of the ears and eyes of the multitude. If some have heard it or some have seen it then we have to say it exists. If no one has heard it and no one has seen it then we have to say it does not exist. So, then, why not go to some village or some district and inquire? If from antiquity to the present, and since the beginning of man, there are men who have seen the bodies of ghosts and spirits and heard their voices, how can we say that they do not exist? If none have heard them and none have seen them, then how can we say they do? But those who deny the existence of the spirits say: "Many in the world have heard and seen something of ghosts and spirits." Since they vary in testimony, who are to be accepted as really having heard and seen them?"
-The Chinese philosopher, Mo Tzu (470-391 BC) on Apparitions.
Serene Reign from Michael Paul Rodriguez on Vimeo .
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)