Ida profile picture


Why is July so far away.......

About Me

My hopes are so high, that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me, so I die happy. My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer.

My Interests

Fun stuff!!

I'd like to meet:

All of you back home a bit more often....


Yes.... Listening to it. I..m not one of those who know what the bands ex-bass players girlfriends younger brothers friend likes to have for dinner!


Scary, cheesy, funny, sexy (no... porn..s not sexy...) wierd, sad, complicated, crazy.....


Desperate Housewives addict


The hitchhikers guide and the meaning of liff.


I like this guy...

My Blog

Fee's birthay!

So after surviving the hangover after friday nights' madness, it was finally time to celebrate MacWacc!! And we did it in style. Japanese style!! All but one managed the sticks and everybody did very ...
Posted by Ida on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:23:00 PST

Movies with us in it

So. Friday.....Had a day of sun and fun with Fee and icecram swirls!Went for Movies with heroes acoustic gig in tower records. Then back home for getting pretty and have a few drinks and silly kodak f...
Posted by Ida on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:35:00 PST

What does your babypics say about you?

This is what mine say about me.I take long showersI sleep a lotI´m a princessAnd a demonI´m in to fashionI can get a bit confusedBut I get it together in the endAmazing isn´t it?...
Posted by Ida on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 04:05:00 PST