When you change the way you think, You
change the way you live.
"If you continue doing what you have always done, you will continue
to get the results you have always gotten."
In an ever-evolving world, our perception of diversity, fulfillment, and change must evolve with it. Simply defining diversity as, “Black and White,” serves no effective purpose; viewing money as a means toward fulfillment, rather than a tool for change, is a disappointing feat; and maintaining the status quo, suggests that our organizations are no longer effecting change.
It’s time for a pAradigM shift.
It’s time for AM HORIZONS
Youth for Unity Project 1994
Through Diversity Education, Personal Empowerment, and Team Building, we
help organizations and individuals approach old problems with new solutions.
Change your thinking.
Change your life.
On the move.
2007 has started off with a sonic boom. We are greatful for the opportunities
to serve with these wonderful organizations with our words of empowerment,
encouragement and peace. Look for us near you.
2007 Hampton Family Strengthening and National Service Conference, Speaker
2007 Golden Valley Human Rights Celebration, Speaker
2007 Minnesota State Social Workers Conference, Speaker
2007 Michigan Head Start Association Conference, Speaker
2007 Anoka County 2006 Awards of Excellence Recipient
2007 Centienal Lakes School District Conference, Speaker
2007 Mid States Camping Conference, Speaker
2007 Minneasota State 4H Health Conference, Speaker
2007 Arizona Collegiate Leadership Conference, Speaker