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Welcome to Divine Intervention Entertainment™. Divine I. Ent™ has the vision to be a premium Kingdom based Hip Hop Production Company. Located in Houston Texas, our goals are to provide a mild medium of music. For those who are seeking to listen to hip hop, without the heaviness of the content and language. Also for those called to the Ministry of Christ through hip hop and R&B (gospel). When asked how did he come up with his label’s title. C-DUBB answered... "Well I always thought of my talent and will to entertain as being Divine. Also I look at it like this. In order to clean the fish you have first to catch the fish. Hints forth my ministry is Divine Entertainment for those already in the body of Christ. And Divine Intervention for the souls I minister to through song and praise".____________________________________________________ ___________________This bio is to introduce himself Cornelius ‘’C-DUBB’’ Williams and the label Divine I Ent™. At this time C-DUBB is currently in the studio working on his first solo hip hop gospel album titled “Ministry In Victory”. Due to be released mid to late 2009, and it’s promised to be an amazing CD 13 tracks and 4 skits. He is working with Pantha (Brain) of P.I.T. Productions and band member Aftershock (Keegan) of Shockwave Productions. Together they are blending unique lyrics with innovative tracks._____________________________________________________ ___________________The life story of Cornelius "C-DUBB" Williams (C-DUBB short for C.W) is one of restoration and salvation. This is a story that began July 22, 1980. In Houston Texas C-DUBB was born to Cornelius Williams Sr and Joyce Williams. C-DUBB is the youngest of four sons and two daughters. C-DUBB has been displaying his musical talents from an early age. Although he was introduced to The Lord as a child, it would take awhile for the seed that was planted to nourish & flourish. After growing up on the north side of Houston Texas as a teenager, C-DUBB was lured into the street life. Subsequently after seeing family and friends have brushes with the law. Also having two brothers and an uncle in prison, C-DUBB still honed his craft (music) not knowing that his life would take another direction. But what he didn’t know was that God had a plan for his life. "Midgett" (as he is affectionately called by his family and friends, because he was so short as a child) He tried his hand at the rap game. Although he enjoyed success in secular music, he felt that he would not get the satisfaction or the sense of accomplishment that he expected. Now at the age of 29, C-DUBB has answered God’s call. “The Lord has called me to rap for His kingdom, and I fought Him on it for awhile. But finally I gave into His will. When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things”, (1Corinthians 13:11) he said. Change is evident in C-DUBB now that he has given everything over to Christ. He along with his wife they work together to insure that his two sons know who their savior is. Under the leadership of Bishop Leroy J. Woodard Jr, of Christian Rescue Mission (CRM City Fellowship Church) C-DUBB is growing in his Christian walk. Spiritually increasing while studying God’s word, C-DUBB has strengthened his ability to proclaim the message of the Bible clearly and effectively through rap. C-DUBB is anticipated because of his righteous, unrelenting delivery and prolific ability to become one with the track. Going against the grain with an anointed grace and excellent, taste having appreciation for music & rhyme. He is said to be a very humble and phenomenal artist just a couple quotes from his fans/friends who have been apart of this "Righteous Rapping Movement". Although he is not afraid to bare scars and his flaws in order to relate and reach out to those in need. With an appreciation for music, you may here a little classic rock in his raps, a little pop, and maybe even a little country. “Ministry In Victory,” the solo debut album of C-DUBB's gospel label, Divine Intervention Entertainment™. This album will certainly encourage both the young, and the old to turn their countenance toward God. At the same time it will glorify the Kingdom of Heaven._____________________________________________________ ___________________"Ministry In Victory" is C-DUBB’s first LP. The concept of the album is based on two scriptures James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10. “This is simply my best and most heart felt work. This album glorifies Christ from a different prospective” he said. In the sense that C-DUBB talks about the victory and defeat he has faced in life, and how the Lord brought him through the storm and the rain. C-DUBB wanted to articulate his passion for ministry on his sophomore solo effort. C-DUBB has songs about travesty, faith, God’s Glory, songs with anthems and abstract irony that make you focused and think about the lyrics. Also controversial topics not usually discussed by most Christian Artist. The title “Ministry In Victory” is pretty clear of the message C-DUBB wants’ to send. When writing the album C-DUBB was in a state of defeat. “I had to first understand that it take blood, sweat, and tears to have a testimony. And once you realize the battle is not yours it belongs to the Lord, the pain & scar's you suffer is your testimony" he said. This revelation has helped C-DUBB to realize that once you feel you have been broken, you should still get up and stand on his word and put your faith in him. You have already received the victory, and know that in all things God works for the good. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. "God is the source of my strength and the rock of my salvation" said by C-DUBB. He also wanted to let God’s people know that when you get into the trenches you have to P.U.S.H (Pray.Until.Something.Happends). C-DUBB did not want to make an album just for Christians, but to those outside the will of God, and the one's called body of Christ. C-DUBB wanted to make music that relates to those struggling so that by the Holy Spirit they are made brand new. So you can expect humbled serenity and sanctified talent on this soon to be released album. So until then remember, “He is Always Faithful” 2Timothy 2:12, 13…_______________________________________________________ ________________C-DUBB's church ministry the CRM Righteous Rappers, (This name was given to the group by the pastor of their church) has been in existence since 1997. In December of 1999 the Righteous Rappers became known as the Tru Disciples when recording their group album, titled “In Due Time”. It was a pretty good experience. Being fortunate to work with Joe Herne’s of N.O. Joe Gumbo Funk. Who has done countless production for Scarface, U.G.K, Ice Cube, Babyface & Kevon Edmonds- (sound track hit on Save the Last Dance) James Fortune & Fiya, Mya, and many more. In November 2000 the Tru Disciples ministered in a concert titled Kim Burrell, and the Stars with artist like Albertina Walker, Youlonandra Simmons-Jones, Stevie Wonder, and more. Also having spins on local radio station KTSU 90.9 FM. The Tru Disciples preformed at varies venues plus local churches. Later after different views within the group, the project kept getting put on hold. C-DUBB formed his own music label Divine Intervention Entertainment™. “I have developed a plan for a career path, and in doing this solo effort. I hope to launch my label as a Major Independent Label, or sign to a major label. That is if the intentions of the label executives are in line with my intention. The solo album is part of a series large career development plans on behalf of Divine Intervention Entertainment™.” He said._______________________________________________________ _________________People who stand for nothing ''FALL FOR ANYTHING''.C-DUBB stands for Christ. In 2009 C-DUBB will be dropping his studio recorded debut “Ministry In Victory” and with God’s blessings and hedge of protection. He will succeed in doing so. “I feel I have everything it takes to get the job done and come-up with cutting edge music for the people.” Blessed is he that endured temptation and travesty for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life!!!
"Houston's Best Kept Secret"


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C-DUBB "Ministry In Victory" Coming Soon....

Keep your eyes, ears, heart & mind open for the new solo album from C-DUBB "Ministry In Victory"....  Thank You Be Blessed Peace!!!
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 02:00:00 GMT


Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 20:19:00 GMT