MII WIFEY Siempre esperaba una mujer como tu mamii.Tu eres mii mundo.idk what chu did 2 me girl, pero mes tiene loko lol'z....I LOVE U BABEZ...4.30.09, cuz U mii RIDE or DIE...I cant picture mii life without Urz...Ima hold u down 2 da fullest girl and im not gonna let chu go..even if u wanted 2 lmao,,srry babes,,pero im selfish ....lol..."Una Cancion Para ellas" " Shortyz Mi Ride or die u can catch her here by ma side,Shes gona hold down a gangsta all nite, when things get wrong she says its all rite, its all rite, ooooo oooooo,,es que no puedos entender,oooo ooooo,es que no las quieros perdel,,oooo ooo,,and I just dont know,,ur body got m3 going crazy and all out of control,,,ooo oooo,,,,and i just dont know,,,,ooo ooo,,and I just dont know oooo oooo ,,,and I just dont know Ur body got m3 going crazy and all Out Of Control....