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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a lover and a fighter. I love death metal but appreciate a good symphony as well. I'm a huge sports fan. I hate pop culture for the most part. I'm laid back, easy to get along with and a genuine person...struggling to unravel life's mysteries just like everyone else. I have been through hell and even purgatory, and now life is falling into place...finally! I have suffered traumatic losses but have also been given gifts beyond measure. I still believe life is magical despite the difficult times that can come along and I seek the synchronicity, serendipity, and flow that indicates I'm on the right path. I am single and looking, not desperately looking, but looking nonetheless. I love women but would like to find someone who makes me forget all the rest. I have a great son who struggles just like I did at his age and every day is a challenge, as well as an exercise in compassion and understanding. I have had my share of trouble in the past and have outgrown the need to prove myself to others, or play games, or be petty in my relations with others. I'm big on making dreams come true in life. I am currently following my life dream of a music career with more gusto than ever before! Want to know more? Hit me up! Following is a summary of the last few years...My life for three years, one of my proudest accomplishments and still a big part of my heart is my band: FORSAKE THE FLESH. My boyz Chad, Marc, Mark, and're the best! And thanks to Dave J., Dustin J. Ryan, and Shawn M. for your help and contributions along the way. We won't forget you!!!!!!!!!!! You can check out the music at For fans of Opeth, Katatonia, Novembers Doom, Agalloch, Into Eternity, Daylight Dies, NILE, etc...We are currently (still) trying to finish the full length CD (mixing and mastering) which has been started by my "Pro-Tools whiz" brother in L.A. He just started mixing the first song, "Dawning of The Blackest Day". An interesting side note: You can look up my brother Chris Jacobson (or Christopher or Chris M.) on and see the music and movies he's worked on down there in good ol' Hollyweird. Also, check out his brilliant progressive rock/metal band 7 Months at or on myspace, (new CD is currently available as a download with hard copies to be released later in the year).NOW HERE!!!: my solo project "REQUIEM FOR OBLIVION" Currently I have three very rough versions of songs that will be included on the full length due out in late 2008 if I'm lucky! Demo to be available in mid summer-ish. I now have secured a drummer and also have a variety of drum machine software to work more stuff is on the way!!! The majority of the CD is going to be heavy, along the lines of some of the stuff you hear there, but ambient and atmospheric in nature; and it is a concept CD...the ideas being drawn from the darkest hours of my past. For those of you who haven't, go check out the new Requiem For Oblivion logo my brother came up with at the Myspace site. Following is an accurate, albeit artsy definition of our sound:"A hard hitting mix of various genres delicately woven into a seemless veil of soundscapes. Dreamy interludes surrounded by pounding elements of Death Metal, Black Metal, Progressive Metal, subtly interlaced with classical guitar, ambient sounds, smooth, cold vocals and distant, haunting melodies."I draw a lot of influence from Opeth, Katatonia, Karl Sanders/NILE, Green Carnation, Porcupine Tree, Rush, Into Eternity, Agalloch, Pantheon I, Akercocke, Enslaved, Ulver, ...and yes, my man, Duncan Sheik...Please check it out at and you can see our new logo at the BRAND NEW WEBSITE: (under construction)..

RANDOM THOUGHTS:Events in our lives ultimately unfold according to subconscious rather then conscious programming. Therefore, if one can reprogram for peace of mind and unlimited abundance and success, life consists of less struggle and more 'flow'. For almost every source of happiness, there is a fear-based reason to worry. However, all strife is an illusion and our spirits can transcend any set backs this world can throw at us...but remembering that is the key. We are one with the earth and stars and in meditation, we can literally join energy with them to feel empowered and a sense of calm amidst the storm.
Get this video and more at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself, Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth), Bruce Lee (I know, a little late), Neil Peart (drummer for the legendary band RUSH, author, and major trauma survivor), Duncan Sheik (amazing recording artist/songwriter), Holden Caufield ('Catcher In The Rye', I know, I know, he's a literary character...but I still want to meet him!) Speaking of literary characters, I'd like to meet Sherlock Holmes as well since I had a stint as a private investigator myself. Oh yeah, and Norm McDonald, Dave Chappelle and Carlos Mencia are funny m f ers! I'd also like to meet Mike Patton, (a musical hero of mine) and my 2nd cousin Josh Duhammel (he's dating Fergie! "Vegas" the series and now in movies...damn, I need some of his mojo to rub off on me!!!!)I'd also like to meet others into making their own music and recording and marketing it...sharing ideas, inspiration, etc...

You enjoy life, humor, and being exuberant. Wherever you go you usually find yourself stealing the spotlight without even trying. You love to let go and have fun.
Find out your color at Quiz Me!

My Blog

Some sports for a change...

Why do the Sharks, (a team who set a win record in the last month of the season) look like such shit!!!!!?? They have looked like a bunch of scared little boyz in both series so far and were lucky to ...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 21:36:00 GMT


Just my two cents:How do you begin writing your songs? It depends, usually with a guitar ’riff’ but sometimes I can be inspired to write lyrics and occasionaly I have a song title that com...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 22:17:00 GMT

Music Q's (thanx Pure Filth)

Since I can't seem to post a bulletin...I will post here!!! 1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by?Well, it's either Opeth, Flotsam and Jetsam, Fates Warning, or Iron Maiden...actually, s...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 22:09:00 GMT

Random Lyrics or a tortured soul's thoughts and feelings

I am going to start posting random lyrics from the last few years in my blog. I've long thought of doing some acoustic songs, a la Days of the New or OPETH "Damnation" or maybe even Duncan Sheik style...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 00:24:00 GMT

Dave Mustaine is a Douche Bag!!! (maybe);-)

Okay, so here's the deal: OPETH got screwed!!! They had their set list cut short by at least a couple of songs, and the sound was sorta screwy!!!  But this ain't the first time Dave Mustaine (her...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 01:18:00 GMT

What I've been listening too...(a tortured mind at work)

I posted this on my band's site the other day and felt like I had to share it with my "friends" on my personal site as will give you a decent idea of the twisted musings of a tortured soul w...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 22:23:00 GMT

Lyrics (wanna help? Add your own...)

  I am both The Forsaken One and the Forsaker...I am all and I am nothing... In Nothingness I dwell, blissful and awaiting the final determination of what was and what will be...but ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 May 2006 15:37:00 GMT

Would you?

I TOO AM CONFUSED Struggling day by day...I now know the pain that motivates the greatest works of poets and musicians. 1. Would You Give me your number? 3. Would You Let me kiss you? 4. Wou...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT