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I am here for Friends

About Me

Sometimes you meet people who slide in and out of your life...then you meet people who come into your life and leave footprints forever...those are the ones that are hard to leave.
Its not where you are that makes you happy, its who's around you that counts...thats a place you can call home.
I live in London at the moment, its been great there. And now I have been to USA that is my next there for a few years or so...I love it there, specially being surrounded by family and friends. I will always call Sydney, Australia home, but she will always there for me to come home to.
I'm a bit of a fitness freak, some people seem to think I get obsessive about it... I guess a few years ago I can agree with that, but these days I kinda like to enjoy the best of both worlds...train hard on the weekdays then hang out and sometimes party hard on weekends.
On the subject of sports, I watch most sports but I love Rugby League and Rugby Union.
More about my personality, mmmm, I guess I'm an easy goin person. I try to be kind and nice to everyone, always trying to do the right thing. Altho when things need to be done, I can take over and I like things done a certain my way hehehe And I can be hard headed and stubborn but give me a minute to think about it and I'd most probably come around.
I am the sort of person that need to finish things. I set my mind on something then its pretty much my first priority...from small tasks to life changing challenges. Very motivated and goal driven and sometimes I can get selfish about it...but its not as bad anymore hehe thanks to a pep talk that someone gave me. Most of the time my life is a big agenda or a routine...something to do, must be done at this time, must be done a certain way, never go out weekdays, get home at 8:20pm, cook dinner and lunch for tomorrow, sleep by 10pm, train at 6am etc etc Geez! Someone save me!
Considerate people; people who are genuinely nice, friendly and generous to others with no agenda; I'm an animal lover, specially dogs; I love food; people who take care of themselves
Smokers, specially the ones with no consideration for us non-smokers; Inconsiderate, selfish people and people who think they own the world be continued

My Interests

Health & Fitness, Outdoors, Music, Movies, Relaxing, Travel

I'd like to meet:

Of most people...I want to meet "The One" maybe I have already just too slow to notice or too dumb to see it hahaha Apart from a the usual, ie kind, undertanding, trustworthy etc etc they would need to be able to think for themselves, I don't want a yes girl. I want a girl that has her own agenda and is motivated like I am, but at the same time can fit me into it all of that. Someone that knows how to look after herself. Someone I can treat like she is the only person in the world and not take it for granted. Someone I can look at everyday and know I'm the luckiest person in the world. Someone who can save me.


Rock, Alternative, Dance, Hip Hop, RnB, Latin, Easy Listening.
Here is my favourite song:
Name: Only You
Group: Se'Deuce


Shawshank Redemption(probably all time fav)...okay i love watching movies but off the top of my head...Goonies, The Princess Bride, Love Actually, A Life Less Ordinary, Serendipity, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Lord of the Rings(trilogy), all the superhero movies ie; spiderman, hulk, xmen etc....many many more....yes yes can be a couch potato. I prefer a sci-fi, adventure, comedy, action and the occasional romantic film.


My grandma(R.I.P.) strongest person I ever knew.

My parents...for not disowning me when i was a bad child hahahaha

My Blog

Home is where the heart is....

Most of my adult life I have seached for true happiness.  I've literally "searched" the world.  Hoping to find the perfect place that will make me feel at home.  Somewhere I would ...
Posted by Noe on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 11:18:00 PST

Spain Pictures

Bloody airplane is late AGAIN!! Good chance to catch up on some sleep hehehe okay we got our stuff in the car....MOUNT UP!! finally on the way!!! whoooo!!!eeerrr who's navigating? yikes Awesome view!...
Posted by Noe on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 06:01:00 PST

Crash course on dieting

Okay boys and girls... While I was in USA I was asked by several people to write them up a diet, so I would like to share with you 15 years of trial and error knowledge, and some books as well, ...
Posted by Noe on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 04:00:00 PST

My USA trip

My first blog...ever...and its 5am on a Sunday bear with me...yes yes i'm jetlagged badly. Coming straight from USA, well a few days ago, I better start by talking about the trip aye...
Posted by Noe on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 10:25:00 PST