I am a 42-year-old trapped in a 21-year-old's body. I enjoy the expressions "kill yourself", "it's true", and "dobry den." If there's one thing I love, it's the Czech Republic. I definitely plan on retiring there. I fantasize about taking a jaunt over to the kolej on pretty much a weekly basis. I desperately miss my study abroad friends, in particular Lionel and Jeronym Klimes. Even though Jeronym was my favorite professor, I'll never forget Jiri and his Levis. WOW...I had no idea someone could wear the same pants that many days in a row. But I have to say, he did have the killer looks and sexy accent that enabled him to pull it off. I remember one day when he mixed it up and wore black Levis instead of his usual faded denim...probably one of the top five days of my life. But back to me. I have a Spanish grandmother who has lived in the United States for 70 years and still acts like she doesn't speak any English. I have an "aunt" who uses quotation marks around every name, so it ends up looking as though the names are coded or not real. Example: Dear "Marmie." My parents got divorced but still hang out all the time, together with both of their new spouses. It's very similar to that great show Reba, or any other t.v. sitcom. I enjoy t-shirts and younger men. My dad is a hostess.