Steve profile picture


♠ Drummer Boy Steve ♠

About Me

Hello Friend!

♠ I Am Steve

♠ I am 19 years old, and i live in Norton/Scarborough (Scarborough mostly)

♠ I go to the Jammo music college in York

♠ I play drums and guitar

♠ I am in three bands! They are: Unapproved, The Charlotte Webb Band, and Five Inch Kettle

♠ I have the most beautiful girlfriend called Charlotte

♠ I am NOT emo

♠ Add me if you want!

My Interests

♠ Music
♠ Football
♠ Charlotte ♥
♠ Things I want but don't really need
♠ Christmas and the delight it brings to children

I'd like to meet:

♠ Metallica
♠ The guy who invented The Crazy Frog so I can inflict great pain on him


♠ Reuben
♠ Incubus
♠ Metallica
♠ Korn
♠ Rage Against The Machine
♠ Nine Inch Nails
♠ Fightstar
♠ Soil
♠ Audioslave
♠ Muse
♠ Red Hot Chili Peppers
♠ Maroon5
♠ Nine Black Alps
♠ Deftones
♠ Limp Bizkit
♠ Billy Talent
♠ Foo Fighters
♠ Hoobastank
♠ Placebo
♠ Pearl Jam
♠ Queens Of THe Stone Age


♠ Mission Impossible 1/2/3
♠ Lord Of The Rings
♠ Ice Age
♠ Toy Story Ha!
♠ Final Destination
♠ Saw
♠ The Amnityville Horror


♠ Lost
♠ The Simpsons
♠ Family Guy
♠ Futurama
♠ MTV2, Scuzz, Kerrang,
♠ Whatever Charlotte watches


♠ Are for clever people


♠ All of Metallica
♠ Spongebob and his Squarepants
♠ Jamie Lenman and his stripey jumpers