7* design profile picture

7* design


About Me

when i was about five years old i told my father that i wanted to follow in the family tradition of being a union carpenter, he then told me that he would rather i didn't die broke like everyone else before me...so like most little kids i decided that i wanted to be an astronaut, unfortunately you need to know a lot of math for that field of work so again i had to make another choice. i started drawing. not liking school gave me a lot of time to work on it, i didnt really take notes ever. twelve years of public school later and i was ready to graduate high school with no real plan for my life. i loved art and i hated school, but with the only real option outside of school being a gravedigger at one of the local area cemetaries i made the logical choice to go to school for art and design.5 years of college later (i told you i don't like school) i graduated with a degree in visual communications and design. since then i have been doing anything for anyone, i just want to create things that people will want to keep looking at as opposed to glancing at once after pulling it off their windshield and tossing it away. and i want to do this for you.so if you have a band, a store, a company, an organization, a church knitting group or anything else that needs a design i want to work with you. so look around and let's get something going...thank you, bryan

My Interests

art, design, music, bmx, gonzo

I'd like to meet:

anyone and everyone who needs or loves artwork.


adult contemporary...


seen a few of those


not so much


anything about the people listed below


fernand legér, wassily kandinsky, art chantry, raymond pettibon, peter saville, jacob bannon, antonio tapies, ralph steadman, andy mueller, andy jenkins, kevin lyons, tony larson, everyone associated with THE ART DUMP, winston smith, gee vaucher,jamie reid, tedd nelson, ed templeton, and mr. alan cunningham.