The legacy of the Marching Hornets name and dreams are all faithful for men and women who graced the music halls, streets, and football fields of this great nation. "Where there is not vision the people shall perish." Past as well as present directors we thank you for your vision, dedication and strong work ethics. All Marching Hornets truly understand the phrase, "THE PRICE OF GLORY IS HIGH."Dr. Thomas E. Lyle received his master's degree in Music education (instrumental) from the University of Michigan in 1964 and the Doctorate degree in Performance (clarinet) from the University of Michigan in 1977. While at Michigan he studied with Dr. William D. Revelli, Mr. George Cavender, Dr. William H. Stubbins (clarinet), Dr. John Mohler (clarinet), Mr. Jerry Bilik (arranging and composition), and many other distinguished professors."The Marching Hornets were propelled into national prominence during a stellar performance before 62,000 spectators at Shea Stadium in New York and through the vehicle of NBC national television, December 10, 1967. Over the years, the Marching Hornets have garned quite a reputation through its impressive list of performance venues. The list includes the likes of half-time shows-Kansas City Chiefs (1967)
-New Orleans Saints (1969)
-Blue Gray Classic (1969 - 1977)
-Atlanta Falcons (1986)
-The Bronze Classic in Atlanta (1991)
-The Motor City Classic in Pontiac Michigan (1991)
-Alma Heritage Bowl in Miami (1991);
-The Circle City Classic of Indianapolis (1992)
-Featured band for the Battle of the Bands, Ladds Stadium of Mobile, Alabama October 1,2000
-John Merritt Labor Day Classic in Nashville, TN (2000)
-A.G. Gaston Football Labor Day Classic (2002)
-Honda Battle of the Bands in Atlanta Georgia (2003)
-Ford Detroit Motor City Classic in Detroit Michigan (2003-2004)
-MEAC / SWAC Labor Day Classic (2005)The band has also participated in several Battle of the Bands
-Defeat The Beat
-Atlanda Show Case of Bands
-Calhoun Enterprises Battle of the Bands
-The Annual Mardi Gras Parade in Mobile, AlabamaThe Alabama State University Mighty Marching Hornet Band is also honored to participate with the Governor's inaugural celebration on January 15, 2007. The Marching Hornet Band has been invited once again to participate in the 2007 Honda Battle of the Bands in Atlanta, Ga. The Mighty Marching Hornet Band will also represent the State Of Alabama for the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. in May of 2007.Our Directors, past and presently include:Mr. Danny Davis, a 1965 graduate of Florida A&M University , came to ASU as bandleader in 1988. He was Alabama State University's Assistant Band Director from 1972 to 1977 before leaving for Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio.Dr. Harold Bray, a 1969 graduate of Grambling State University, took over the leadership role of the marching band in 1995 - 1999. Bray's emphasis was on commitment and work; to enhance and continue a totally respective band program and experience; his Triple A Plan - ATTENDANCE, ATTITUDE and ACHIEVEMENT was his philosophy.Mr. Ralph Chapman, graduate of Southern University, became the new Interim Director for the fall marching season of 1999. his philosophy dealt with Quality, Class, Discipline, Organization and Structure.The Marching Hornets have approached the new millennium under the baton of Dr. James B. Oliver, a Montgomery, Alabama native and a 1980 graduate of Alabama State University. While at Alabama State University he was a member of the Mighty Marching Hornets in 1975-1979. He was a member of the percussion section during this time. Dr. Oliver comes to ASU from Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio where he had been employed for 18 years; 12 years as band director. Dr. Oliver started at Alabama State in 2000 and he is the current Head Band Director of the Alabama State University Mighty Marching Hornet Band.
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