My Blog
And thats why everyone SHOULDN'T read the Herald Sun.
I thought, since it the topic of the now, I would way into the whole CTM grand arena.
Well gosh; there are some sick fucking people in this world. There are some god damn stupid people in this world, ...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 06:40:00 PST
I can change a tyre
Yes I can indeed, in theory. In practice, I can't get the nut things undone, because I am too meek. Which is shit, I was going to be such a hero, then I wasn't, so whatever. I...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 04:20:00 PST
Michelle, can you handle this?
7:30pm: I went to Shane's 50th Birthday Party, it was at Kidz Digz, it was alrite. Manda and was there, we went on the slides, they were super wicked awesome. Speeches take to long. I like c...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 06:42:00 PST
Saturday - 5 Courses Of Jess Genius
1. Mini Quiches
2. Pumkin soup
3. Chicken and Salad
4. Roast Pork and Veg
5. Cake
Insanity the mark of a genius? Maybe, but Jess could go on the Iron cheif right no...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 05:29:00 PST
The blog about EVERYTHING
My brothers 17th birthday
Steve Irwin owned by Sting ray. I discovered this, to the delite of my journalism teacher, while in journalism class. IRONY
Crazy Girl form uni, who i have met in person once...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 03:49:00 PST
No one wears sunglasses at 9pm, you fuck,.
So on the way home from SNAKES ON A PLANE* last night I played chasey with some randoms in my car. I think they thought, I thought they were alirte. They were wrong, but like, the driver, wa...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:01:00 PST
Thursday Night
Stayed home.
Friday Night
Work/Stacey's Party. After finished work, picked up Justin went to Stacey's. People were tipsy. 10 mins later I took people to Safeway for supplies. Got b...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 02:25:00 PST
A lesson in loyalty.
loyal; faithful, steadfast in allegiance, devoted to legitimate sovereign etc.
Some people talk about loyalty as if it is a commodity, like it can be bought and paid for. It is not an assest with whic...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:30:00 PST
The young and the restless
Tanya drove to the Art house. I sat in the middle, squashed like bad, but alrite cause Tan is a funny kid. We missed Sythesist cause Justin is Arab. Maccas. Justin was throwing chips at ...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 03:41:00 PST
Ok, I whine sometimes, like now.
Today I went to work. I constructed promotional fathers day gift boxes. I do not go to work, to construct promotional fathers day gift boxes. I have paper cuts. I am annoyed. Not only that, ...
Posted by TOOTY. Dangerdanger on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:21:00 PST